首页> 外文期刊>Nauka Przyroda Technologie >Turystyka rowerowa i kolarstwo ekstremalne a ochrona i kszta?towanie krajobrazu

Turystyka rowerowa i kolarstwo ekstremalne a ochrona i kszta?towanie krajobrazu




Cycling sports, like all other forms of external activities, cause negative impact on landscape and natural resources as well. The influence is diverse according to the discipline (Touring, XC-Cross Country, Enduro, Downhill, Freeride). Negative environmental impact could be “unavoidable” – concerning trail construction and maintenance, or “avoidable” – concerning post-construction degradation from their use. MTB impact was analysed according to vegetation, soil, wildlife, water and other trail users. For those five categories were proposed recommendations and prevention strategies. It was found, that trail design and construction is more important, that way of its use and that mountain biking is no more damaging than other forms of recreation, including hiking. A well-designed trail should satisfy expectations of different users’ groups, cause minimal damage to local ecosystems, require minimal maintenance over time and minimize social conflicts. Very important is proper behaviour of trail users – avoiding off-trail traffic, respect for other users’ groups, minimal impact on wildlife and vegetation.



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