首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Medical Research >Serum Sodium and Serum Potassium Changes during Transurethral Resection of Prostate Gland in Patients under Subarachnoid Block

Serum Sodium and Serum Potassium Changes during Transurethral Resection of Prostate Gland in Patients under Subarachnoid Block




"Objective: This prospective study was design to study the changes occurring in serum level of Na & k during TURP in Spinal anaesthesia & also other factor like amount of irrigating fluid absorbed, resection time, height of irrigation, amount of gland resected & concurrent hemodynamic changes occurring during procedure. Method: This study was conducted in 50 male patients at JJ hospital, MUMBAI undergoing TURP under spinal anaesthesia. The changes in serum Na & K were studied by taking blood samples in preoperative period (in preop room), intraoperative period(20 min after start of resection),post operative period( 30 min after end of surgery).Then patient were divided into two groups ,group 1 resection time ? 30 min & group 2 resection time > 30 min. Result: The serum Na+ did not changed significantly in either of the groups. The serum K+ did changed significantly. There was significant rise in serum K+ level in post operative period in group II as compared to preoperative level. The changes in serum K+ were related to duration of resection. Conclusion: Perioperative monitoring of the serum electrolytes Na & k is important for safety of patient. "
机译:“目的:这项前瞻性研究旨在研究脊髓麻醉期间TURP期间Na和k血清水平的变化以及其他因素,例如吸收的冲洗液量,切除时间,冲洗高度,切除的腺量和同时发生的血流动力学方法:本研究针对50例男性JJ医院,在脊髓麻醉下接受TURP的MUMBAI患者进行了研究,并通过术前(术前),术中采集血样研究了血清Na和K的变化。手术开始后(手术切除后20分钟)(手术结束后30分钟),然后将患者分为两组,第一组切除时间≥30分钟,第二组切除时间> 30分钟。两组均无明显变化;血清K +发生了显着变化;与手术前相比,第二组术后K +值明显升高。血清K +的变化与切除时间有关。结论:围手术期监测血清电解质钠和钾对于患者安全至关重要。 ”



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