首页> 外文期刊>MMWR. Recommendations and reports : >Use of World Health Organization and CDC Growth Charts for Children Aged 0--59 Months in the United States

Use of World Health Organization and CDC Growth Charts for Children Aged 0--59 Months in the United States




Summary In April 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) released new international growth charts for children aged 0--59 months. Similar to the 2000 CDC growth charts, these charts describe weight for age, length (or stature) for age, weight for length (or stature), and body mass index for age. Whereas the WHO charts are growth standards, describing the growth of healthy children in optimal conditions, the CDC charts are a growth reference, describing how certain children grew in a particular place and time. However, in practice, clinicians use growth charts as standards rather than references. In 2006, CDC, the National Institutes of Health, and the American Academy of Pediatrics convened an expert panel to review scientific evidence and discuss the potential use of the new WHO growth charts in clinical settings in the United States. On the basis of input from this expert panel, CDC recommends that clinicians in the United States use the 2006 WHO international growth charts, rather than the CDC growth charts, for children aged The recommendation to use the 2006 WHO international growth charts for children aged.
机译:总结2006年4月,世界卫生组织(WHO)发布了针对0--59个月大的儿童的新的国际增长图表。与2000 CDC增长图表相似,这些图表描述了年龄的体重,年龄的长度(或身材),体重(长度或身高)和体重指数。 WHO图表是生长标准,描述了健康儿童在最佳条件下的生长,而CDC图表是生长参考,描述了某些儿童在特定地点和时间的生长方式。但是,在实践中,临床医生将生长图用作标准而非参考。 2006年,疾病预防控制中心,美国国立卫生研究院和美国儿科学会召集了一个专家小组,以审查科学证据并讨论在美国临床环境中使用新的WHO增长图的潜在用途。根据该专家小组的意见,美国疾病预防控制中心建议美国的临床医生针对年龄较大的儿童使用2006年世界卫生组织国际增长图表,而不是疾病预防控制中心的增长图表。建议对美国老年人使用2006年世界卫生组织国际增长图表。



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