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Distribution and dynamics of a tropical waterfalls ecosystem




Waterfalls gives the impression of a lifeless zone because researchers have historically focused on the hydrology, ecotourism and geological features. Effective management will require an understanding of changes in species composition and distribution of macro-biota. Monthly samples were taken in wet and dry seasons, over two year period in three regions along the 6817.7 m length of the Agbokum waterfalls. Macro-biota exhibited distinct pattern in respect of seasonal and spatial changes. Trachelomonas volzii, the most abundant phytoplankton species reduced from 686 in the dry season to 143 in the wet, and from 455 downstream to 91, midstream (waterfalls region). Zooplankton species Calanus finmarchicus decreased from 511 during dry season to 36 in the wet and from 334 downstream to?7, midstream. 71.7 percent of the total macro-invertebrates were recorded from downstream reaches while only 6.3 percent were contributed by midstream. Percentage cover of marginal vegetation by Bambusasp, Symphonia and Elaeis guineesis displayed progressive increase from upstream reaching a maximum of 38.5 mean percent cover in the relatively undisturbed downstream. In contrast, Raphia vinifera, Havea brasiliensis, Grewia sp. and Cocos nucifera shrank in size from 34% to 8% at the midstream stretches of the river while only nymphia- rich vegetation becomes more frequent in the middle reaches. The disturbance regimes of the midstream reaches of Agbokum waterfalls combined with its very low faunal and floral diversity has made the environment unstable therefore susceptible to the invasion of disturbance tolerant biota.
机译:瀑布给人以无生命的印象,因为研究人员历来专注于水文,生态旅游和地质特征。有效的管理将需要了解物种组成和大型生物群落分布的变化。在两年的潮湿和干燥季节中,在Agbokum瀑布长度6817.7 m的三个区域中,每月进行一次采样。在季节和空间变化方面,大型生物区系表现出不同的模式。 Trachelomonas volzii是最丰富的浮游植物,从干旱季节的686种减少到湿润的143种,从下游的455种减少到中游的91个(瀑布区域)。浮游动物Calaus finmarchicus从干旱季节的511种减少到湿润的36种,从下游的334种减少到中游的7种。下游无脊椎动物的数量占总无脊椎动物的71.7%,而中游仅占6.3%。 Bambusasp,Symphonia和Elaeis归根菌对边缘植被的覆盖率显示出从上游开始逐渐增加,在相对不受干扰的下游达到最大38.5%的平均覆盖率。相比之下,Raphia vinifera,巴西Havea,Grewia sp。在河的中游段,可可粉的大小从34%缩小到8%,而在中游地区,只有若虫的植被更加频繁。 Agbokum瀑布中游的干扰方式加上极低的动植物和花卉多样性使环境变得不稳定,因此易受干扰容忍生物群的入侵。



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