首页> 外文期刊>Kliniceskaa I Specialnaa Psihologia >Vladimir Ivanovich Lubowsky (1923–2017)

Vladimir Ivanovich Lubowsky (1923–2017)




The article is dedicated to the memory of the famous in our country and abroad scientist in the field of special education, professor Vladimir Lubovsky, who died at November 9, 2017 at 93 years old. Describes the main stages of his professional biography. He was a Veteran of World War II. V.I. Lubowsky received an education of the psychologist in the Moscow State University in 1951, His supervisor in graduate school was the world-famous psychologist Alexander Luria. For 40 years he worked at the Institute of Defectology, then more than 20 years he was Professor at Moscow City University and Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. A list of his scientific works is more than 200 items.
机译:这篇文章致力于纪念国内外特殊教育领域的著名科学家弗拉基米尔·卢博夫斯基(Vladimir Lubovsky)教授,他于2017年11月9日去世,享年93岁。介绍他的职业传记的主要阶段。他是第二次世界大战的老兵。 V.I. Lubowsky于1951年在莫斯科国立大学接受心理学家的教育,其研究生院的主管是举世闻名的心理学家Alexander Luria。 40年来,他在疾病研究所工作,然后20多年,他在莫斯科城市大学和莫斯科国立心理教育大学任教授。他的科学著作清单超过200项。



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