首页> 外文期刊>Kinesiologia Slovenica >Vu?kovi?, Goran; James, Nic - The distance covered by winning and losing players in elite squash matches

Vu?kovi?, Goran; James, Nic - The distance covered by winning and losing players in elite squash matches

机译:Vu?kovi ?,戈兰;尼克,詹姆斯(James,Nic)-壁球比赛中输赢的球员所走的距离



The aim of this research was to analyse players’ motions in elite squash matches and to establish whether or not there were differences in the distance covered between winners and losers of individual rallies. An automated player-tracking system, with operator supervision and intervention, captured players’ movements during matches at the World Team Championships (N=11). All rallies (n = 1429) were analyzed, except when a ‘let’ decision was made by the referee (n = 307). All rallies were sorted into four different time-related categories: very short, short, medium and long rallies. On average, the winners of rallies covered 0.71m less than the losers. However, in 41.4% of cases, the loser of the rally covered less distance than the winner of the rally. This result suggests that a player who forces an opponent to cover a greater distance is not guaranteed to win the rally. A general explanation for this finding is that whilst a player may dominate a rally and cause the opponent to cover a greater distance, an error by the dominant player, or a good move by the player under pressure, would result in the rally winner having covered a greater distance. Consequently, further analyses are needed to examine whether any link exists between shot selection and their outcome and the distance covered.
机译:这项研究的目的是分析运动员在壁球比赛中的动作,并确定各个集会的赢家和输家之间的距离是否存在差异。一个自动的球员追踪系统,带有操作员的监督和干预,可以在世界团体锦标赛(N = 11)的比赛中捕捉球员的动作。所有集会(n = 1429)均经过分析,但当裁判做出“让步”决定(n = 307)时除外。所有集会都分为四个与时间相关的类别:非常短,短,中和长集会。平均而言,集会的获胜者比失败者少71万。但是,在41.4%的情况下,失败者的距离所覆盖的距离小于胜利者所覆盖的距离。该结果表明,迫使对手覆盖更大距离的玩家不能保证赢得比赛。对这一发现的一般解释是,尽管一名玩家可能统治一场比赛并导致对手进行更远距离的比赛,但优势玩家的错误或玩家在压力下的良好举动都会导致本次比赛的冠军更大的距离。因此,需要进行进一步的分析,以检查射击选择与其结果和所覆盖的距离之间是否存在任何联系。



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