首页> 外文期刊>Molecular vision >Intravitreal homocysteine-thiolactone injection leads to the degeneration of multiple retinal cells, including photoreceptors

Intravitreal homocysteine-thiolactone injection leads to the degeneration of multiple retinal cells, including photoreceptors




Purpose: Hyperhomocysteinemia is knownto cause degeneration of retinal ganglion cells, but its influence onphotoreceptors remains largely unknown. In particular, the role ofhomocysteine-thiolactone (Hcy-T)—the physiologic metabolite ofhomocysteine that has been proven to be more cytotoxic thanhomocysteine itself—as a factor that causes retinopathy, has not beendefined. This study aimed to investigate the toxic effects of excessiveHcy-T in a mouse model. Methods: A total of 60 six-week-oldfemale ICR mice were used in this study. The mice were divided into 3experimental groups and 2 control groups. The mice in the experimentalgroups were subjected to intravitreal injections of Hcy-T to reachfinal estimated intravitreal concentrations at 5, 25, and 200 μM,respectively. Mice without injection (blank) and with 0.9 NaClinjections (sham injection) were used as controls. The mice with 200 μMHcy-T were sacrificed at days 7, 15, 45, and 90 after injection and themice with 5 or 25 μM Hcy-T were sacrificed at day 90, with the controlssacrificed at day 15 or 90 for comparison. Semi-quantitative dot-blotanalysis was performed for confirmation of retinal homocysteinylation.The mouse retinas were evaluated microscopically, with the thickness oftotal and specific retinal layers determined. Immunohistochemicalanalysis was performed and the labeled cells were quantified todetermine the effects of excessive Hcy-T on specific retinal cells. Results: Dose-dependent retinalhomocysteinylation after Hcy-T injection was confirmed. Thehomocysteinylation was localized in the outer and inner segments ofphotoreceptors and the ganglion cell layer (GCL). Retinal celldegenerations were found in the GCL, inner nuclear layer, and outernuclear layer at day 90 after 200 μM Hcy-T injection. Significantthickness reduction was found in the total retina, outer nuclear layer,and the outer and inner segment layers. A trend of thickness reductionwas also found in the GCL and inner nuclear layer, although this wasnot statistically significant. The rhodopsin+ photoreceptorsand the calbindin+ horizontal cells were significantlyreduced at day 15, and were nearly ablated at day 90 after 200 μM Hcy-Tinjection (p0.001 for both day 15 and day 90), which was not seenin the sham injection controls. The Chx-10+ or the Islet-1+bipolar cells and the Pax-6+ amacrine cells were severelymisarranged at day 90, but no significant reduction was found for bothcell types. The GFAP+ Müller cells were activated at day 15,but were not significantly increased at day 90 after the injection. Conclusions: Excessive retinalhomocysteinylation by Hcy-T, a condition of hyperhomocysteinemia, couldlead to degeneration of photoreceptors, which might lead toretinopathies associated with severe hyperhomocysteinemia or diabetesmellitus.Received: April 1, 2011Accepted: July 14, 2011
机译:目的:高同型半胱氨酸血症已知会引起视网膜神经节细胞变性,但对光感受器的影响在很大程度上尚不清楚。尤其是,高半胱氨酸-硫代内酯(Hcy-T)(已被证明比高半胱氨酸本身具有更高的细胞毒性)(引起半胱氨酸半胱氨酸的生理代谢产物)作为引起视网膜病变的因素的作用尚未明确。这项研究旨在调查过量的Hcy-T在小鼠模型中的毒性作用。方法:本研究共使用60只六周大的ICR小鼠。将小鼠分为3个实验组和2个对照组。实验组中的小鼠接受玻璃体内注射的Hcy-T,分别达到5、25和200μM的最终玻璃体内浓度。将未注射的小鼠(空白)和具有0.9NaC注射的小鼠(假注射)用作对照。注射后第7、15、45和90天处死具有200μMHcy-T的小鼠,第90天处死具有5或25μMHcy-T的小鼠,在第15或90天牺牲对照组进行比较。进行半定量点滴分析以确认视网膜同型半胱氨酸化。显微镜下评估小鼠视网膜,确定总和特定视网膜层的厚度。进行免疫组织化学分析并定量标记的细胞,以确定过量的Hcy-T对特定视网膜细胞的影响。结果:确认Hcy-T注射后剂量依赖性视网膜同型半胱氨酸化。同型半胱氨酸化位于光感受器的外部和内部部分以及神经节细胞层(GCL)。注射200μMHcy-T后第90天,在GCL,内核层和外核层中发现了视网膜细胞变性。在整个视网膜,外核层以及内外节段中发现厚度显着降低。在GCL和内核层中也发现了厚度减小的趋势,尽管这在统计上并不显着。视紫红质+感光细胞和钙结合蛋白+水平细胞在第15天显着减少,在200μMHcy注射后第90天几乎消融(在第15天和第90天两者均p <0.001),这在假注射对照组中未见。在第90天,Chx-10 +或Islet-1 +双极细胞和Pax-6 +无长突细胞严重错配,但两种细胞类型均未发现明显减少。 GFAP +Müller细胞在注射后第15天被激活,但在注射后第90天没有明显增加。结论:高同型半胱氨酸血症Hcy-T引起的视网膜同型半胱氨酸过多可能导致光感受器变性,可能导致与严重高同型半胱氨酸血症或糖尿病相关的视网膜病变.2011年4月1日接受:2011年7月14日



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