首页> 外文期刊>Geologia USP : Série Científica >Azimuthfinder: ferramenta para a extra?§?£o de dados e apoio na an??lise estrutural

Azimuthfinder: ferramenta para a extra?§?£o de dados e apoio na an??lise estrutural




Here is presented a computational tool named AzimuthFinder, for functioning inside the set of programs of ArcGis??. The developed program is intended to facilitate and optimize the generation of azimuth data tables, using structural lineaments previously traced in maps that are being worked on that automatic information system. The characteristics of AzimuthFinder allow that, upon the user's choice, different tables get generated for the same analysis object, depending on the relative weight attributed to the lineaments, giving for example greater weight to those of greater extension. Another characteristic of the tool is the file exportation in TXT format, which is universal to several types of programs, with specific formatting to one the software between Stereo32, Win Tensor, OpenStereo and StereoNet7, which are all free software prepared to the confection of rose diagrams. Tests with the program showed that it is very efficient and fast for generating the azimuth data tables, effectively allowing easier confection of rose diagrams, which are necessary for the structural analysis in areas submitted to fragile deformation.
机译:这里介绍了一个名为AzimuthFinder的计算工具,该工具可在ArcGis ??程序集内运行。开发的程序旨在使用先前在该自动信息系统上工作的地图中跟踪的结构轮廓来促进和优化方位角数据表的生成。 AzimuthFinder的特性允许根据用户的选择,为同一分析对象生成不同的表,具体取决于归因于线条的相对权重,例如,赋予更大扩展性的权重。该工具的另一个特点是TXT格式的文件导出,这对于几种类型的程序都是通用的,并且将Stereo32,Win Tensor,OpenStereo和StereoNet7之间的软件特定格式化为一种,这些软件都是为玫瑰花香而准备的免费软件。图。该程序的测试表明,它非常有效且快速地生成了方位角数据表,从而有效地简化了玫瑰图的绘制,这对于易碎变形区域的结构分析是必需的。



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