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Congenital diaphragmatic hernia in association with congenital short esophagus: A case report




Rationale: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) associated congenital anomalies are present in about 25%. Congenital short esophagus (CSE) is a relatively rare condition. Both CDH and congenital intrathoracic stomach caused by CSE can be diagnosed in utero. However, CSE can be easily misdiagnosed in utero. Patient concerns: We present a case of left CDH with CSE in a female neonate who was diagnosed at 24 weeks gestational age by antenatal ultrasound. Diagnoses: The neonate with CDH and congenital intrathoracic stomach due to CSE was confirmed by operation. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRED) occurred after operation. Interventions: The left diaphragm was repaired, and gastric fixation by gastropexy, gastric folding anti-reflux procedure and operation of longitudinal incision and transverse suture for pyloroplasty procedure was underwent. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRED) occurred after operation and jejunal tube feeding was placed. Outcomes: This patient is currently alive 12 months post-operation with GRED. Lessons: To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of this rare type of CDH combined with congenital intrathoracic stomach caused by CSE. This condition could not be surgically repaired due to the extremely short esophagus. Early recognition of intrathoracic stomach associated with CSE is important as it is associated with difficult management and significant postnatal complications. The prognosis is cautiously guarded, and the parents should be appropriately counseled.
机译:理由:先天性diaphragm肌疝(CDH)相关的先天性异常约占25%。先天性短食道(CSE)是一种相对罕见的疾病。 CSE引起的CDH和先天性胸腔胃均可在子宫内被诊断。但是,CSE在子宫内很容易被误诊。患者关注:我们介绍了一名女性新生儿的左CDH伴CSE的情况,该妇女在胎龄24周时被产前超声诊断。诊断:通过手术证实患有CSE的CDH和先天性胸腔胃的新生儿。术后发生胃食管反流病(GRED)。干预措施:修复左diaphragm膜,行胃切除术固定胃,进行胃折叠抗反流手术,并进行纵切口和横缝手术,以进行化脓性手术。手术后发生胃食管反流病(GRED),并置入空肠管。结果:该患者目前在GRED手术后12个月还活着。经验教训:据我们所知,这是由CSE引起的这种罕见CDH合并先天性胸腔内胃炎的首例病例。由于食管极短,无法通过手术修复这种情况。与CSE相关的胸腔内胃的早期识别很重要,因为它与管理困难和严重的产后并发症有关。谨慎对待预后,并应适当建议父母。



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