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Cruel Intentions? HIV Prevalence and Criminalization During an Age of Mass Incarceration, U.S. 1999 to 2012




A 2014 U.S. Department of Justice Best Practices Report advocates that states eliminate HIV-specific criminal penalties except under 2 conditions: when a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive person intentionally commits a sex crime or transmits the virus by engaging in behavior that poses a significant risk of transmission, regardless of actual transmission. We assess the premise of these exceptions to understand whether these best practices are based on scientific evidence about the population at risk of infection and the risk of sexual violence by HIV-positive individuals. We employ nationally representative, cross-sectional survey data from the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Survey of Inmates in State, Federal, and Local Jails (SISFLJ), and the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES). Data from the CPS, SISFLJ, and NHANES are weighted and combined to analyze bias in the population at risk of HIV. Linear probability models are employed to estimate the likelihood that HIV-positive inmates are incarcerated for violent or sexual offenses, net of socioeconomic factors. We find significant measurement bias in HIV prevalence rates. The selection of national surveys for population denominators distorts contemporary estimates of HIV prevalence by 7% to 20%. Our findings also illustrate that HIV-positive inmates are 10 percentage-points less likely to be incarcerated for violent offenses than HIV-negative inmates. National best practice guidelines may undermine effective social policy that aims to curtail stigma within HIV-positive communities because scientific evidence neither include inmates into prevalence denominators (as a measure of the population at risk) nor assess the likelihood that HIV-positive inmates commit violent or sexual crimes.
机译:《 2014年美国司法部最佳实践报告》主张,除以下两种情况外,各州都应消除针对HIV的刑事处罚:除非人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)阳性的人有意实施性犯罪或通过从事具有危害性的行为传播病毒不管实际的传输方式如何,都有很大的传输风险。我们评估了这些例外情况的前提,以了解这些最佳做法是否基于关于感染艾滋病毒的人群以及艾滋病毒呈阳性的人遭受性暴力的风险的科学证据。我们使用来自当前人口调查(CPS),州,联邦和地方监狱的囚犯调查(SISFLJ)以及国家健康与营养调查(NHANES)中具有国家代表性的横断面调查数据。对来自CPS,SISFLJ和NHANES的数据进行加权和合并,以分析处于HIV感染风险人群中的偏见。扣除社会经济因素,采用线性概率模型来估计HIV阳性囚犯因暴力或性犯罪而被监禁的可能性。我们发现HIV患病率存在​​明显的衡量偏差。选择国家人口普查方法会使当代对艾滋病病毒感染率的估计值失真7%至20%。我们的研究结果还表明,与艾滋病毒阴性的囚犯相比,被艾滋病毒感染的囚犯被暴力犯罪监禁的可能性要低10个百分点。国家最佳实践准则可能会破坏旨在减少艾滋病毒阳性社区内污名的有效社会政策,因为科学证据既不将囚犯纳入患病率分母(作为对处于危险中的人口的衡量标准),也不评估艾滋病毒阳性囚犯实施暴力或暴力的可能性。性犯罪。



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