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The Role of the Harm Avoidance Personality in Depression and Anxiety During the Medical Internship




Abstract: To determine whether physicians with harm avoidance (HA) personality traits were more prone to developing increased anxiety and depression during the medical internship. A prospective longitudinal study of 74 medical interns was carried out using repeated measures of symptoms of anxiety and depression with the Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventories (BAI and BDI) before, at the 3rd, 6th, and 12th months during the internship, and 2 weeks after the internship was completed. Baseline personality was assessed by the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire with 3 dimensions: novelty-seeking, HA, and reward dependence (RD). Levels of both depression and anxiety increased (6.4 and 3.4 on scores for BDI and BAI, respectively) during the internship and returned to baseline 2 weeks after it ended. HA scores were significantly correlated with depression and anxiety (0.3 scores on both the BDI and the BAI) and the scores for RD were significantly correlated with anxiety but not with depression. The interaction of HA and point in internship showed no significant differences. Internship plays a major role in the increase in depression and anxiety. A HA personality was also associated with the development of both depression and anxiety.
机译:摘要:为了确定在医务实习期间具有避害(HA)人格特征的医生是否更容易出现焦虑和抑郁感的增加。在实习期间的第3、6和12个月以及2周,使用贝克焦虑和抑郁量表(BAI和BDI)对焦虑和抑郁症状进行了重复测量,对74名医学实习生进行了前瞻性纵向研究。实习结束后。三维人格问卷通过3个维度对基线人格进行了评估:寻求新颖性,HA和奖励依赖(RD)。在实习期间,抑郁和焦虑的水平均增加(BDI和BAI评分分别为6.4和3.4),并在结束后2周恢复到基线水平。 HA评分与抑郁和焦虑显着相关(BDI和BAI均为0.3),RD评分与焦虑显着相关,而与抑郁无关。医管局和实习点之间的相互作用没有显着差异。实习在抑郁和焦虑的增加中起主要作用。 HA的性格也与抑郁和焦虑的发展有关。



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