首页> 外文期刊>Medicinski Preglad >Contribution of physicians from Vojvodina to establishing Health service in Serbia and founding and working of Medical Society of Serbia

Contribution of physicians from Vojvodina to establishing Health service in Serbia and founding and working of Medical Society of Serbia




It was in the middle of the J 8th century, when Serbia started the process of getting independent from the long-lasting period of the Turkish rule, that the necessity for the organized health care emerged. Despite the fact that it had not existed before, the process advanced rather quickly regarding the contemporary political, social and cultural conditions and the Medical Society of Serbia (MSS) was founded in Belgrade on the 22nd of April, 1872. Although it is known that the doctors from Vojvodina, which was an integral part of Austria of that time, contributed significantly to establishing both the civil and military medical service, this period of our medical history has neither been searched enough nor published in one piece. The author of this paper points out four characteristic activity segments through which the doctors from Vojvodina gave their contribution. An important role in health education and promotion of health culture in the still vassal Serbia was played by the doctors from Vojvodina and popular educators at the very beginnings of the health journalism in Serbian which reached Serbia from Austria. Somewhat later the doctors of Vojvodina went to Serbia to contribute to the establishment and promotion of the civil and military medical services and to take an active part in the Inaugural Meeting and the forthcoming activities of the Medical Society of Serbia. They were also among the initiators and first teachers at the Medical Faculty in Belgrade. This paper highlights and encircles a very important period of our national health culture history by analyzing thoroughly the four above mentioned segments of activities and their protagonists.
机译:正是在8世纪中叶,塞尔维亚开始摆脱土耳其统治的长期时期的独立进程,出现了有组织的医疗保健的必要性。尽管事实上它以前不存在,但随着当代政治,社会和文化条件的发展,该过程进展很快,塞尔维亚医学学会(MSS)于1872年4月22日在贝尔格莱德成立。来自伏伊伏丁那(Vojvodina)的医生(当时是奥地利的组成部分)为建立民用和军事医疗服务做出了重要贡献,这一时期的医学史没有得到足够的搜查或出版。本文的作者指出了伏伊伏丁那(Vojvodina)的医生通过四个活动领域做出的贡献。 Vojvodina的医生和受欢迎的教育工作者在塞尔维亚从塞尔维亚来到奥地利的健康新闻初期就在健康教育和促进仍然处于附庸的塞尔维亚的健康文化中发挥了重要作用。不久之后,伏伊伏丁那(Vojvodina)的医生去了塞尔维亚,为建立和促进民事和军事医疗服务做出了贡献,并积极参加了成立大会和塞尔维亚医学会的即将开展的活动。他们也是贝尔格莱德医学院的发起人和第一任教师。本文通过对上述活动的四个部分及其主角进行全面分析,突出并包围了我们国家卫生文化史上一个非常重要的时期。



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