首页> 外文期刊>Medical science monitor : >Ophthalmomyiasis is not only a problem for rural regions of Eastern Anatolia of Turkey

Ophthalmomyiasis is not only a problem for rural regions of Eastern Anatolia of Turkey




Background Ophthalmomyiasis externa results from infestation of the conjunctiva by the larval or maggot form of Oestrus ovis. It is common in sheep-farming areas, especially in Mediterranean countries. Material and Method A 40-year-old man was admitted to the ophthalmology outpatient clinic at State Hospital. He complained of a foreign-body sensation. He was living in a city center in Eastern Anatolia of Turkey. The larvae were removed and antibiotic drops and ointment were given to the patient. The larvae were first-instar Oestrus ovis larvae. Results Conclusions The authors consider ophthalmomyiasis to be not only a problem of rural areas and subsequent examination is very important to ensure that no complications have occurred. It is hoped that this case encourages physicians to be aware of the diagnosis of ophthalmomyiasis externa and its complication and treatment.
机译:背景外眼球菌病是由于羊发情的幼虫或形式的结膜感染所致。它在绵羊养殖区很常见,尤其是在地中海国家。材料和方法一名40岁的男子在州立医院的眼科门诊就诊。他抱怨有异物感。他住在土耳其东部安纳托利亚的一个城市中心。除去幼虫,并给患者抗生素滴剂和药膏。幼虫是第一龄的Oestrus ovis幼虫。结果结论作者认为眼球菌病不仅是农村地区的问题,随后的检查对于确保没有发生并发症非常重要。希望这种情况能鼓励医生意识到眼外肌病的诊断及其并发症和治疗方法。



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