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Effect of combined dopamine and diltiazem on renal function after cardiac surgery.




BACKGROUND: In order to evaluate the effect of the combined use of dopamineand diltiazem on renal function in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), we conducteda prospective randomized study. MATERIAL/METHODS: Sixty patients (8F, 52M) with normal preoperative renalfunction undergoing CABG were divided randomly into four groups, including control (n=15), use of dopamine-only(n=15), use of diltiazem-only (n=15), and combined use of dopamine and diltiazem (n=15). The patientsranged in age from 38 to 74 years (mean 59.3). Drug administration (diltiazem: intravenous infusion of2 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1), dopamine: 2 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) was initiated 24 hours before surgeryand was continued for 72 hours. RESULTS: Creatinine and osmotic clearances were found to be significantlyhigher in the combined group compared with the other groups 24 hours after surgery (p0.05). There was no significant difference in respect to creatinine clearance, osmotic clearance, and free water clearance in the dopamine-only and diltiazem-only groups compared to the control group. The free water clearance at 24 and 72 hours after surgery were significantly higher in the combined group compared with the other groups (p0.05). In the control group, dopamine-only, and diltiazem-only groups b2-microglobulin was statistically higher 72 hours postoperative than preoperatively (p0.05). There were no significant changes in β2-microglobulin levels in the combined group.Conclusions: The combined use of dopamine and diltiazem may provide a positive contribution and sufficient protection for early postoperative renal function in patients undergoing CABG.
机译:背景:为了评估多巴胺和地尔硫卓联合使用对冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG)患者肾功能的影响,我们进行了一项前瞻性随机研究。材料/方法:将60例接受CABG术前肾功能正常的患者(8F,52M)随机分为四组,包括对照组(n = 15),仅使用多巴胺(n = 15),仅使用地尔硫卓(n)。 = 15),并同时使用多巴胺和地尔硫卓(n = 15)。患者的年龄为38岁至74岁(平均59.3岁)。在手术前24小时开始给药(地尔硫卓:静脉输注2 microg x kg(-1)x min(-1),多巴胺:2 microg x kg(-1)x min(-1)),并持续72小时。结果:术后24小时,联合组的肌酐和渗透压清除率明显高于其他组(p <0.05)。与对照组相比,仅多巴胺和仅地尔硫卓组的肌酐清除率,渗透清除率和游离水清除率无显着差异。联合组术后24小时和72小时的游离水清除率明显高于其他组(p <0.05)。在对照组中,仅多巴胺组和仅地尔硫卓组的b2-微球蛋白在术后72小时的统计学高于术前(p <0.05)。结论:联合使用多巴胺和地尔硫卓可能为CABG患者术后早期肾功能的产生提供积极的贡献并提供了充分的保护。



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