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Discounting and risk characteristics in clinical decision-making.




Time-related aspects have attracted an increasing interest in medical decisions.Health promotion often works toward remote goals, and many clinical judgments and decisions include anexchange of costs today for benefits in the future. The concept of diminishing value over time is positivediscounting when the benefits occur so far in the future that they seem of little value relative to theimmediate cost. If there is a preference to live for the present rather than save for the future, sucha preference might not contribute to good health according to a lower discount rate. As discounting isrelated to risk an analysis of uncertainty is required being an unavoidable condition in health work.Shared decision-making between doctor and patient has increasingly been emphasized, where risk characteristicsand time-related aspects should be taken into account to reach a decision based upon mutual agreement.The framework of time and risk for analysis can perform a useful role in clinical judgments and decisions,where framing of different features of risk might diminish discounting and increase compliance to treatment.A summary of valuation factors in medical decision making is presented: (a) long-term decisions are sensitiveto discount rates; (b) discount rates vary by domain, by outcome, by individuals and by level of certainty;(c) probability discounting is used if the risk is perceived as controllable; (d) the doctor uses expectedvalue, the patient is risk aversive; (e) asymmetric discounting for patients and doctors gives poor compliance;(f) discount rates are influenced by framing.
机译:与时间有关的方面已引起人们对医疗决策的越来越多的关注。健康促进通常朝着遥远的目标努力,许多临床判断和决策包括当今为实现未来利益而进行的费用交换。随着时间的推移,价值递减的概念是积极的,即当收益在将来出现时,相对于即时成本而言,价值似乎很小。如果偏爱现在而不是为了未来而活,那么这种偏爱可能会降低折现率,从而不利于身体健康。由于贴现与风险有关,因此需要进行不确定性分析,这是卫生工作中不可避免的条件。医生与患者之间的共同决策日益受到重视,应考虑风险特征和与时间有关的方面,以基于风险做出决策。相互同意。分析的时间和风险框架可以在临床判断和决策中发挥有用的作用,其中不同风险特征的框架可能会减少折现并增加对治疗的依从性。医疗决策中的评估因素概述如下: (a)长期决定对折现率敏感; (b)贴现率因领域,结果,个人和确定性水平而异;(c)如果认为风险可控,则采用概率贴现; (d)医生使用期望值,患者厌恶风险; (e)患者和医生的折价不对称导致依从性差;(f)折价率受框架的影响。



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