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Decreases of brain serotonin following a food restriction schedule of 4 weeks in male and female rats




Male and female rats fed on a restricted feeding (RF) schedule of 4 weeks to produce 20-25%; reduction in body weight, were killed before (starved) and after (fed) the presentation of food to compare 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) metabolism in the hypothalamus with respective freely feeding (FF) controls and to monitor sex differences in RF- induced changes of 5-HT. RF decreased plasma tryptophan concentration in RF starved and RF fed females and also in RF starved males. In the hypothalamus tryptophan levels decreased in RF starved and RF fed female rats and RF fed males. 5-HT decreased in both RF starved and RF fed male and female rats and the decreases were comparable in the two sexes. 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), a major metabolite of 5-HT was not affected. Food restriction decreased 5-HT concentration in the rest of the brain of male but not female rats. Possible implications of the findings in the pathogenesis of food restriction/starvation related disease anorexia nervosa and its greater occurrence in women than men is discussed.
机译:雄性和雌性大鼠在4周的限制性饲喂(RF)计划中摄食,产生20-25%;减少体重,在提供食物之前(饥饿)和之后(进食)将其杀死,以比较下丘脑中5-羟色胺(5-HT)的代谢与相应的自由进食(FF)对照,并监测RF-引起5-HT的变化。 RF降低了RF饥饿和RF喂养的雌性以及RF饥饿的雄性中的血浆色氨酸浓度。在下丘脑中,RF饥饿和RF喂养的雌性大鼠和RF喂养的雄性大鼠的色氨酸水平降低。在RF饥饿和RF喂养的雄性和雌性大鼠中,5-HT均降低,并且该降低在两个性别中均相当。 5-羟吲哚乙酸(5-HIAA)是5-HT的主要代谢产物,不受影响。食物限制降低了雄性大鼠大脑其余部分的5-HT浓度,但没有降低。讨论了该发现在与食物限制/饥饿相关的神经性厌食症的发病机理中的可能意义,并且该现象在女性中的发生率高于男性。



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