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Congenital morphological abnormalities of the distal vertebral arteries (CMADVA) and their relationship with vertigo and dizziness




Background:The aim of our study was to identify congenital morphological abnormalities of distal vertebral arteries (CMADVA) and their association with cerebral hypoperfusion leading to vertigo, and the role of MR and MRA in the diagnosis of vertebrobasilar (VB) abnormalities.Material/Methods:768 patients who complained of dizziness and/or vertigo were included in the study and evaluated by MR and MRA. CMADVAs were determined in 88 of the cases with no other explanation for vertigo and dizziness. 150 patients without dizziness or vertigo were used as a control group. The 3D TOF (Time- of- flight) MR angiographic technique was used.Results:CMADVAs were detected in 88 of 768 patients (11.5%) with vertigo and/or dizziness. We also detected CMADVAs in 4 (2.7%) of 150 persons in the control group. The patients with abnormal vertebral artery findings were classified into ten categories. Lacunar infarcts in the brain stem were found in 8 patients after long-duration vertigo attacks. There was significant correlation between the control and vertigo groups in terms of CMADVA (p=0.0001). After excluding the control group, there was a significant relationship between CMADVA and vertigo and/or dizziness symptoms (p=0.0001).Conclusions:We believe that vertigo and dizziness associated with CMADVA is a real entity that deserves greater attention. For this reason, the vertebrobasilar system in these patients should be examined for CMADVA with MRA. This would enable us to take preventive measures against brainstem ischemia or at least elucidate the etiology of vertigo in these patients.
机译:背景:本研究的目的是确定先天性椎体远端动脉形态异常(CMADVA)及其与导致眼眩的脑灌注不足的关系,以及MR和MRA在诊断椎基底动脉(VB)异常中的作用。 :768名抱怨头晕和/或眩晕的患者被纳入研究,并通过MR和MRA进行评估。在88例病例中确定了CMADVA,没有其他原因导致眩晕和头晕。将150例无头晕或眩晕的患者作为对照组。结果:在768例眩晕和/或头晕患者中,有88例(11.5%)检出了CMADVA。3DTOF(飞行时间)MR血管造影技术。我们还在对照组的150名患者中有4名(2.7%)检测到了CMADVA。椎动脉发现异常的患者分为十类。长期眩晕发作后,有8例患者发现脑干腔隙性梗塞。对照组和眩晕组之间的CMADVA显着相关(p = 0.0001)。排除对照组后,CMADVA与眩晕和/或头晕症状之间存在显着相关性(p = 0.0001)。结论:我们认为与CMADVA相关的眩晕和头晕是一个值得关注的真实实体。因此,应检查这些患者的椎基底动脉系统是否伴有MRA的CMADVA。这将使我们能够采取预防脑干缺血的措施,或至少阐明这些患者的眩晕病因。



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