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Self-care of young diabetics in practice




To determine whether young diabetics follow the most important rules of diabetes educational programs as remembering to carry 'soluble sugars' and insulin shots in their daily life, the analysis using 263 simple and anonymous questionnaires was performed. The study involved 183 IDDM children from Kansas-USA (76 boys, 107 girls) and 80 IDDM children from Silesia, Poland (36 boys, 44 girls) of mean age 12.95±2.65, mean IDDM duration 4.77±3.15 years, mean HbA1c 8.53±1.93%. We found: (1) 79.85% of all IDDM children carry something to treat or prevent hypoglycemia, more girls than boys, and more American than Polish ones (p<0.01). (2) Only 59.92% of IDDM children carry 'soluble sugars' (no statistically significant differences between sexes and nationalities). (3) No correlation between carrying 'sugars' and age, metabolic control, number of glycemia measurements, forgetting insulin injections and kind of insulin therapy. (4) Duration of diabetes was not correlated with carrying 'sugars' whereas it was correlated with carrying 'other food' (p<0.05). (5) 53.4% of children never forget insulin injections (p<0.01). (6) Forgetting insulin shots was correlated with IDDM duration in boys group, with increasing level of HbA1c and with smaller number of glycemia measurements in all children groups, with the intensive insulin therapy in girls and Polish groups (p<0.01 in all cases). Conclusions: 1). Diabetic children quite often carry nothing or 'non-soluble sugars' with themselves to treat hypoglycemia. 2). Diabetic children more often forget to shoot insulin injections than to 'carry sugars'. 3). Children with a longer duration of diabetes more often forget their insulin injections. 4). Older girls with longer duration of IDDM demonstrating worse metabolic control check their glycemia less frequently and more often forget the insulin injections.
机译:为了确定年轻的糖尿病患者是否遵循糖尿病教育计划中最重要的规则,如记住在日常生活中携带“可溶性糖”和胰岛素注射液,我们使用263个简单且匿名的问卷进行了分析。该研究涉及来自美国堪萨斯州的183名IDDM儿童(76名男孩,107名女孩)和来自波兰西里西亚的80名IDDM儿童(36名男孩,44名女孩),平均年龄12.95±2.65,平均IDDM持续时间4.77±3.15岁,平均HbA1c 8.53 ±1.93%我们发现:(1)在所有IDDM儿童中,有79.85%的儿童携带某种东西来治疗或预防低血糖,女孩比男孩多,而美国人比波兰多(p <0.01)。 (2)只有59.92%的IDDM儿童携带“可溶性糖”(性别和国籍之间无统计学差异)。 (3)携带“糖”与年龄,代谢控制,血糖测量次数,忘记注射胰岛素和胰岛素疗法的种类之间没有相关性。 (4)糖尿病持续时间与携带“糖”无关,而与携带“其他食物”相关(p <0.05)。 (5)53.4%的孩子永远不会忘记注射胰岛素(p <0.01)。 (6)在男孩组中,遗忘的胰岛素注射与IDDM持续时间,HbA1c水平的升高和血糖测量值的减少相关,在女孩和波兰人组中,强化胰岛素治疗与所有患者(p <0.01) 。结论:1)。糖尿病儿童通常不携带任何东西或携带“非可溶性糖”来治疗低血糖症。 2)。糖尿病儿童更经常忘记注射胰岛素而不是“携带糖”。 3)。糖尿病持续时间较长的儿童更经常忘记注射胰岛素。 4)。 IDDM持续时间较长的较大女孩显示出较差的代谢控制,他们检查血糖的频率较低,而更经常忘记注射胰岛素。



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