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Self Beyond the Body: Action-Driven and Task-Relevant Purely Distal Cues Modulate Performance and Body Ownership




Our understanding of body ownership largely relies on the so-called Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI). In this paradigm, synchronous stroking of the real and the rubber hands leads to an illusion of ownership of the rubber hand provided that it is physically, anatomically, and spatially plausible. Self-attribution of an artificial hand also occurs during visuomotor synchrony. In particular, participants experience ownership over a virtual or a rubber hand when the visual feedback of self-initiated movements follows the trajectory of the instantiated motor commands, such as in the Virtual Hand Illusion (VHI) or the moving Rubber Hand Illusion (mRHI). Evidence yields that both when the cues are triggered externally (RHI) and when they result from voluntary actions (VHI and mRHI), the experience of ownership is established through bottom-up integration and top-down prediction of proximodistal cues (visuotactile or visuomotor) within the peripersonal space. It seems, however, that depending on whether the sensory signals are externally (RHI) or self-generated (VHI and mRHI), the top-down expectation signals are qualitatively different. On the one hand, in the RHI the sensory correlations are modulated by top-down influences which constitute empirically induced priors related to the internal (generative) model of the body. On the other hand, in the VHI and mRHI body ownership is actively shaped by processes which allow for continuous comparison between the expected and the actual sensory consequences of the actions. Ample research demonstrates that the differential processing of the predicted and the reafferent information is addressed by the central nervous system via an internal (forward) model or corollary discharge. Indeed, results from the VHI and mRHI suggest that, in action-contexts, the mechanism underlying body ownership could be similar to the forward model. Crucially, forward models integrate across all self-generated sensory signals including not only proximodistal (i.e., visuotactile or visuomotor) but also purely distal sensory cues (i.e., visuoauditory). Thus, if body ownership results from a consistency of a forward model, it will be affected by the (in)congruency of purely distal cues provided that they inform about action-consequences and are relevant to a goal-oriented task. Specifically, they constitute a corrective error signal. Here, we explicitly addressed this question. To test our hypothesis, we devised an embodied virtual reality-based motor task where action outcomes were signaled by distinct auditory cues. By manipulating the cues with respect to their spatial, temporal and semantic congruency, we show that purely distal (visuoauditory) feedback which violates predictions about action outcomes compromises both performance and body ownership. These results demonstrate, for the first time, that body ownership is influenced by not only externally and self-generated cues which pertain to the body within the peripersonal space but also those arising outside of the body. Hence, during goal-oriented tasks body ownership may result from the consistency of forward models.
机译:我们对身体所有权的理解很大程度上取决于所谓的“橡胶手错觉”(RHI)。在这种范例中,实物和橡胶手的同步抚摸会导致人们对橡胶手的所有权有一种幻想,只要它在物理,解剖学和空间上都是合理的。在视觉运动同步过程中也会发生人造手的自我归因。特别是,当自发运动的视觉反馈遵循实例化的运动命令的轨迹时,例如在虚拟手幻觉(VHI)或移动的橡胶手幻觉(mRHI)中,参与者会体验到虚拟或橡胶手的所有权。 。有证据表明,当提示是由外部触发的(RHI)或由自愿行动产生的提示(VHI和mRHI)时,所有权的经验都是通过自下而上的整合和自上而下的近现代提示(粘着性或粘稠性)预测来建立在人际空间内。然而,似乎取决于感觉信号是外部的(RHI)还是自身产生的(VHI和mRHI),自上而下的期望信号在质量上是不同的。一方面,在RHI中,感官相关性是由自上而下的影响所调节的,这些影响构成了与身体内部(生成)模型有关的经验诱发先验。另一方面,在VHI和mRHI中,机构所有权积极地影响了过程,这些过程允许对行为的预期和实际感官后果进行连续比较。大量研究表明,中枢神经系统通过内部(正向)模型或推论放电解决了预测信息和反信息的差异处理。确实,VHI和mRHI的结果表明,在行动背景下,身体所有权的潜在机制可能与正向模型相似。至关重要的是,前向模型整合了所有自生的感觉信号,不仅包括近端感觉信号(即触觉或视觉运动),还包括远端感觉信号(即视觉听觉)。因此,如果身体所有权是由前向模型的一致性导致的,则它会受到纯远端提示的(不)一致性的影响,前提是它们会告知行动后果,并且与面向目标的任务相关。具体而言,它们构成校正误差信号。在这里,我们明确地解决了这个问题。为了检验我们的假设,我们设计了一种基于虚拟现实的动作任务,该动作结果通过不同的听觉提示发出信号。通过操纵线索在空间,时间和语义上的一致性,我们表明违反了关于动作结果的预测的纯粹的远端(视觉听觉)反馈会损害性能和身体所有权。这些结果首次证明,身体所有权不仅受到在人际空间内与身体有关的外部和自我产生的线索的影响,而且还受到在身体外部产生的线索的影响。因此,在面向目标的任务期间,主体所有权可能是由前向模型的一致性导致的。



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