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Multiple Selected Changes May Modulate the Molecular Interaction between Laverania RH5 and Primate Basigin

机译:多个选定的变化可能会调节 Laverania RH5与灵长类动物Basigin之间的分子相互作用



LETTER Recently, Plenderleith et al. generated sequences of Laverania RH5 genes and analyzed their evolutionary history ( 1 ). Much of their efforts focus on criticism of a study in which we analyzed the evolution of RH5 (with much fewer sequences) and of primate basigin (BSG), the ligand for RH5 ( 2 ). Plenderleith et al. mistakenly quote sentences from our work and erroneously criticize our analyses (e.g., branch lengths were not “distorted,” they were simply not reported). Notably, when Plenderleith et al. ( 1 ) mention our results on BSG, they fail to mention that, in addition to searching for evidence of selection in an extended primate phylogeny, we applied a phylogenetics-population genetics method ( 3 ) to search for sites that were positively selected in the human, chimpanzee, and gorilla lineages. Three of the sites we detected ( Fig.?1 ) are located at the interaction surface with Plasmodium falciparum RH5 (PfRH5), and two of them strongly affect PfRH5 binding ( 4 ). When introduced into human BSG, the F27L change, which occurred in the gorilla lineage, causes an eightfold reduction in binding. As for residue 191, when the human amino acid (K) is introduced into the chimpanzee BSG protein (191E), the latter binds PfRH5 with much higher affinity ( 4 ). A conceivable interpretation of these findings is that chimpanzee and gorilla BSG evolved to avoid RH5 binding and, therefore, that positive selection at BSG contributed to determine species-specific interactions. FIG?1? Positive selection at RH5 and BSG . (A) BSG positively selected sites (shown in red) identified by Forni et al. ( 2 ) using a phylogenetics-population genetics method and located at the binding interface with PfRH5. The ancestral sequence was reconstructed using a maximum likelihood approach. (B) Phylogenetic tree of the Laverania species analyzed herein (sequence from Plenderleith et al. [ 1 ]). Letters denote branches tested as in reference 1 . Branches showing statistical evidence of episodic positive selection with BUSTED (blue) and MA/MA1 (magenta) analyses are shown. False-discovery rate (FDR)-corrected P ?values are also reported. (C) Alignment of RH5 sites known to interact with BSG; the sites we found to be positively selected are underlined. Concerning the analysis of RH5, we acknowledged in our work that we had little power to detect selection (see Discussion [ 2 ]), and we agree that we had no possibility to determine when selection acted. However, branch-site tests are robust to the inclusion of distantly related sequences and paralogs ( 5 , 6 ). In fact, we identified two selected sites, one of which (position 447) was also detected by Plenderleith et al., who used BUSTED to search for selection across an RH5 Laverania phylogeny. We have now applied two branch-site tests, the “MA/MA1” test and BUSTED to a phylogeny of almost complete RH5 sequences ( Fig.?1 ). These methods allow the rigorous testing of a priori -specified branches for evidence of episodic positive selection. We used three methods to identify selected sites on branches showing evidence of selection ( Fig.?1 and Table?1 ). Our results indicate the following. (i) The strongest selection occurred on the long branches that separate Plasmodium?reichenowi / Plasmodium?billcollinsi from the other Laverania . (ii) Selected sites include the two we had previously detected (190 and 447) and most of those described by Plenderleith et al. ( 1 ). (iii) No evidence of selection was detected on the P.?falciparum branch. (iv) Selection at the 197 site, discussed by Plenderleith et al., most likely occurred in the ancestor of Plasmodium?adleri and P.?falciparum / Plasmodium praefalciparum . This clearly does not rule out the possibility that 197S in PfRH5 modulates binding. TABLE?1? Positively selected sites detected in Laverania lineages Branch ~(a) Positively selected site(s) detected in Laverania lineage by ~(b) : BEB BUSTED MEME C 164, 174, 185, 197 *, 346, 367, 380 E 122*, 228 F 447 * 190 , 207 *, 361*, 362 , 447 * 474 J 264, 323 263, 264, 271, 381*, 442* 263, 264, 271, 309, 381*, 442* a Branches are named as by Plenderleith et al. ( 1 ). b Sites under episodic positive selection found by Plenderleith et al. ( 1 ) are indicated with an asterisk. Sites identified by Forni et al. ( 2 ) are underlined. Sites involved in the interaction with BSG are shown in boldface type. The BEB posterior probability cutoff was 0.90, the BUSTED evidence ratio was >4, and the MEME P ?value cutoff was 0.1. Analysis of Laverania RH5 amino acid residues at the BSG interaction surface indicates that, with the exclusion of position 197, no change occurred during P.?falciparum speciation ( Fig.?1 ). Thus, a quest for “the” PfRH5 variant responsible for the origin of P.?falciparum as a human pathogen may prove unfruitful. However, we add that sites located distant from the interaction surfaces can affect binding properties ( 7 ) and that multiple changes often result in nonadditive effects
机译:信件最近,Plenderleith等人。产生了Laverania RH5基因的序列,并分析了它们的进化历史(1)。他们的大部分努力都集中在对一项研究的批评上,在该研究中,我们分析了RH5(序列少得多)和RH5的配体灵长类basigin(BSG)的进化(2)。 Plenderleith等。错误地引用了我们工作中的句子,并错误地批评了我们的分析(例如,分支长度没有“失真”,根本就没有报告)。值得注意的是,当Plenderleith等人。 (1)提到我们在BSG上的结果,他们没有提及,除了在扩展的灵长类系统发育中寻找选择的证据外,我们应用了系统发育种群遗传学方法(3)来寻找在BSG中阳性选择的位点。人类,黑猩猩和大猩猩的血统。我们检测到的三个位点(图?1)位于与恶性疟原虫RH5(PfRH5)的相互作用表面,其中两个强烈影响PfRH5的结合(4)。当引入人类BSG时,发生在大猩猩谱系中的F27L变化导致结合力降低了八倍。至于残基191,当将人氨基酸(K)引入黑猩猩BSG蛋白(191E)中时,后者以更高的亲和力与PfRH5结合(4)。这些发现的可能解释是黑猩猩和大猩猩BSG进化为避免RH5结合,因此,BSG处的阳性选择有助于确定物种特异性的相互作用。图。1? RH5和BSG的正选择。 (A)由Forni等人确定的BSG阳性选择位点(红色显示)。 (2)使用系统发育-种群遗传学方法,并且位于与PfRH5的结合界面。使用最大似然方法重建祖先序列。 (B)本文分析的紫薇属植物的系统树(Plenderleith等[1]的序列)。字母表示按参考文献1测试的分支。显示了分支,显示了使用BUSTED(蓝色)和MA / MA1(品红色)分析进行情节阳性选择的统计证据。还报告了错误发现率(FDR)校正的P?值。 (C)已知与BSG相互作用的RH5位点的比对;带下划线的是我们发现被肯定选择的网站。关于RH5的分析,我们在工作中承认我们几乎没有能力检测选择(参见讨论[2]),并且我们同意我们无法确定选择何时起作用。但是,分支站点测试对于包含远距离相关的序列和旁系同源物是鲁棒的(5、6)。实际上,我们确定了两个选定的位点,Plenderleith等人也检测到了其中一个位点(位置447),后者使用BUSTED搜索整个RH5 Laverania系统发育的选择。现在,我们将两个分支站点测试(“ MA / MA1”测试和BUSTED)应用于几乎完整的RH5序列的系统发育(图1)。这些方法允许对先验指定分支进行严格测试,以证明情节阳性选择。我们使用三种方法来识别显示选择证据的分支上的选定位点(图1和表1)。我们的结果表明以下内容。 (i)最强的选择发生在将疟原虫?reichenowi /疟原虫?billcollinsi与其他Laverania分开的长枝上。 (ii)选定的站点包括我们先前检测到的两个站点(190和447),以及Plenderleith等人描述的大多数站点。 (1)。 (iii)在恶性疟原虫分支上未发现选择的证据。 (iv)Plenderleith等人讨论的在197个位点的选择最有可能发生在恶性疟原虫和恶性疟原虫/恶性疟原虫的祖先中。显然,这并不排除PfRH5中的197S调节结合的可能性。表格1?在Laverania谱系分支中检测到的阳性选择位点〜(a)通过〜(b)在Laverania谱系中检测到的阳性选择位点:BEB BUSTED MEME C 164,174,185,197 *,346,367,380 E 122 *, 228 F 447 * 190、207 *,361 *,362、447 * 474 J 264、323 263、264、271、381 *,442 * 263、264、271、309、381 *,442 * a分支命名为由Plenderleith等。 (1)。 b由Plenderleith等人发现的在积极选择中的位点。 (1)用星号表示。 Forni等人确定的站点。 (2)下划线。与BSG互动所涉及的网站以黑体字显示。 BEB后验概率截止值为0.90,无效证据比率> 4,MEME P值截止值为0.1。对BSG相互作用表面上的紫薇RH5氨基酸残基的分析表明,除197位外,在恶性疟原虫物种形成过程中没有发生变化(图1)。因此,寻找导致恶性疟原虫作为人类病原体起源的“ PfRH5”变体可能没有结果。但是,我们补充说,远离相互作用表面的位点会影响结合特性(7),并且多次更改通常会导致非加性效应



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