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A proposal for benchmark tests for underactuated or compliant hands




There is a lack of agreement in the literature as to what exactly quantifies the performance of underactuated hands. This paper proposes two benchmark tests to measure the ability of underactuated hands to grasp different objects and the ability to hold the objects when force disturbances apply. The first test determines the smallest and largest cylindrical object which can be successfully grasped in an enveloping grasp or in a pinch grasp. The second test provides the maximal allowable force which can be applied to a grasped object without loosing it. A setup was constructed consisting of standard components. Exemplary tests were applied to the Delft Hand 2. The proposed benchmark tests are representative to quantify the performance of pick and place operations with underactuated hands. The results of the tests can be applied to evaluate, compare, and improve the performance of robotic hands. brbr iThis paper was presented at the IFToMM/ASME International Workshop on Underactuated Grasping (UG2010), 19 August 2010, Montréal, Canada./i.
机译:在文献中,关于如何精确量化欠驱动的手的表现,缺乏共识。本文提出了两个基准测试,以测量欠驱动的手抓握不同物体的能力以及施加力干扰时握住物体的能力。第一个测试确定可以在包络抓握或捏紧抓握中成功抓取的最小和最大圆柱物体。第二项测试提供了最大的允许力,该力可以施加在抓握的物体上而不松动。构建了一个包含标准组件的安装程序。对代尔夫特手2进行了示例性测试。拟议的基准测试具有代表性,可以量化手感不足的拾放操作的性能。测试结果可用于评估,比较和改善机械手的性能。 本文在2010年8月19日在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的IFToMM / ASME关于欠驱动抓握的国际研讨会(UG2010)上发表。



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