首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in zoology >Confocal analysis of nervous system architecture in direct-developing juveniles of Neanthes arenaceodentata (Annelida, Nereididae)

Confocal analysis of nervous system architecture in direct-developing juveniles of Neanthes arenaceodentata (Annelida, Nereididae)

机译:对正在发育的夜蛾(Neanthes arenaceodentata)(Annelida,Nereididae)的青少年神经系统结构的共聚焦分析



Background Members of Family Nereididae have complex neural morphology exemplary of errant polychaetes and are leading research models in the investigation of annelid nervous systems. However, few studies focus on the development of their nervous system morphology. Such data are particularly relevant today, as nereidids are the subjects of a growing body of "evo-devo" work concerning bilaterian nervous systems, and detailed knowledge of their developing neuroanatomy facilitates the interpretation of gene expression analyses. In addition, new data are needed to resolve discrepancies between classic studies of nereidid neuroanatomy. We present a neuroanatomical overview based on acetylated α-tubulin labeling and confocal microscopy for post-embryonic stages of Neanthes arenaceodentata, a direct-developing nereidid. Results At hatching (2-3 chaetigers), the nervous system has developed much of the complexity of the adult (large brain, circumesophageal connectives, nerve cords, segmental nerves), and the stomatogastric nervous system is partially formed. By the 5-chaetiger stage, the cephalic appendages and anal cirri are well innervated and have clear connections to the central nervous system. Within one week of hatching (9-chaetigers), cephalic sensory structures (e.g., nuchal organs, Langdon's organs) and brain substructures (e.g., corpora pedunculata, stomatogastric ganglia) are clearly differentiated. Additionally, the segmental-nerve architecture (including interconnections) matches descriptions of other, adult nereidids, and the pharynx has developed longitudinal nerves, nerve rings, and ganglia. All central roots of the stomatogastric nervous system are distinguishable in 12-chaetiger juveniles. Evidence was also found for two previously undescribed peripheral nerve interconnections and aspects of parapodial muscle innervation. Conclusions N. arenaceodentata has apparently lost all essential trochophore characteristics typical of nereidids. Relative to the polychaete Capitella, brain separation from a distinct epidermis occurs later in N. arenaceodentata, indicating different mechanisms of prostomial development. Our observations of parapodial innervation and the absence of lateral nerves in N. arenaceodentata are similar to a 19th century study of Alitta virens (formerly Nereis/Neanthes virens) but contrast with a more recent study that describes a single parapodial nerve pattern and lateral nerve presence in A. virens and two other genera. The latter study apparently does not account for among-nereidid variation in these major neural features.
机译:背景线虫科的成员具有复杂的神经形态,是异常多毛cha的典范,并且是研究类神经系统的领先研究模型。但是,很少有研究关注其神经系统形态的发展。如今,这类数据特别相关,因为杀线虫类药物是涉及双侧神经系统的“ evo-devo”研究的主体,并且对它们发育中的神经解剖学的详细了解有助于对基因表达分析的解释。此外,需要新的数据来解决神经节律神经解剖学经典研究之间的差异。我们目前的神经解剖学概述基于乙酰化的α-微管蛋白标记和共聚焦显微术,对刚开发的nereidid的Neenhes arenaceodentata的胚后阶段。结果孵化时(2-3头老虎),成年人的神经系统已经发展了很多(大大脑,食管结缔组织,神经线,节段神经),并且胃胃神经系统已部分形成。到5-chaettiger阶段,头侧附件和肛门cirri已被很好地支配,并且与中枢神经系统有明确的联系。在孵化的一星期内(9头象),头部的感觉结构(例如,颈部器官,兰登氏器官)和脑部的下部结构(例如,足癣,胃胃神经节)明显区分开。此外,节段神经结构(包括互连结构)与其他成年的神经节律动物的描述相匹配,并且咽部已发展出纵向神经,神经环和神经节。在十二头幼鸟中,胃胃神经系统的所有中央根都可以区分。还发现了两个先前未描述的周围神经互连和足下肌神经支配方面的证据。结论槟榔猪笼草显然已经丧失了Nereidids的所有必需的滋养体特征。相对于多毛小山羊皮,稍后从槟榔猪笼草中分离出明显表皮的大脑,这表明了假体发育的不同机制。我们对槟榔猪笼草副足神经支配和侧神经缺失的观察与19世纪对Alitta virens(以前称为Nereis / Neanthes virens)的研究相似,但与最近的一项描述单个副足神经形态和侧神经存在的研究形成对比。在A. virens和另外两个属中。后者的研究显然没有考虑这些主要神经特征中的类神经节间变化。



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