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Prior precision, prior accuracy, and the estimation of disease prevalence using imperfect diagnostic tests




Estimates of disease prevalence in any host population are complicated by uncertainty in the outcome of diagnostic tests on individuals. In the absence of gold standard diagnostics (tests that give neither false positives nor false negatives), Bayesian latent class inference can be applied to batteries of diagnostic tests, providing posterior estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of each test, alongside posterior estimates of disease prevalence. Here we explore the influence of precision and accuracy of prior information on the precision and accuracy of posterior estimates of these key parameters. Our simulations use three diagnostic tests, yielding eight possible diagnostic outcomes per individual. Seven degrees of freedom allow the estimation of seven parameters: sensitivity and specificity of each test, and disease prevalence. We show that prior precision begets posterior precision but only when priors are accurate. We also show that analyses without gold standard can use imprecise priors as long as they are initialised with accuracy. Imprecise priors risk the divergence of MCMC chains towards inaccurate posterior estimates, if inaccurate initial values are used. We note that inaccurate priors can yield inaccurate and imprecise inference. Bounded priors should certainly not be used unless their accuracy is well established. Inaccurate estimates of sensitivity or specificity can yield wildly inaccurate estimates of disease prevalence. Our analyses are motivated by studies of bovine tuberculosis in a wild badger population.
机译:在任何宿主人群中疾病流行率的估计都因对个人进行诊断测试的结果不确定而变得复杂。在没有黄金标准的诊断程序(既不提供假阳性也没有假阴性的测试)的情况下,贝叶斯潜伏类推论可以应用于一系列诊断测试,提供每个测试的敏感性和特异性的后验估计,以及疾病患病率的后验估计。 。在这里,我们探讨了先验信息的准确性和准确性对这些关键参数的后验估计的准确性和准确性的影响。我们的模拟使用三个诊断测试,每个人产生八种可能的诊断结果。七个自由度允许估计七个参数:每个测试的敏感性和特异性,以及疾病患病率。我们证明先验精度会产生后验精度,但前提是先验精度是正确的。我们还表明,只要准确地初始化,没有黄金标准的分析就可以使用不精确的先验。如果使用的初始值不正确,则不精确的先验可能会使MCMC链趋向于不正确的后验估计。我们注意到,不正确的先验会导致不准确和不精确的推断。除非确定准确,否则不应使用有界先验。对敏感性或特异性的不正确估计可能会导致对疾病患病率的严重不正确估计。我们的分析是基于野生badge种群中的牛结核病研究。



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