首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Trophic niche partitioning among sympatric baleen whale species following the collapse of groundfish stocks in the Northwest Atlantic

Trophic niche partitioning among sympatric baleen whale species following the collapse of groundfish stocks in the Northwest Atlantic




ABSTRACT: Ecologically similar species may coexist when resource partitioning over time and space reduces interspecific competition. Understanding resource use within these species assemblages may help predict how species relative abundance might influence ecosystem functioning. In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, 4 species of rorqual whales (blue Balaenoptera musculus, fin B. physalus, minke B. acutorostrata and humpback Megaptera novaeangliae) coexist during the summer feeding period. They can be observed within hundreds of meters of one another, suggesting an overlap in ecological niches; yet fine-scale habitat use analyses suggest some resource partitioning. While major ecological changes have been observed in marine ecosystems, including the Gulf of St. Lawrence, we have little understanding of how the removal of predatory fish might cascade through ecosystems. Here, we take advantage of a 19 yr tissue collection subsequent to a fishery collapse (which occurred in 1992) to investigate trophic niche partitioning within a guild of rorqual whales following the loss of a key ecosystem component, groundfish. We analyzed stable isotope ratios for 626 rorqual individuals sampled between 1992 and 2010. Using Bayesian isotopic mixing models, we demonstrated that the 4 rorqual species segregated trophically by consuming different proportions of shared prey. An overall increase in δ15N values over the study period (post groundfish collapse), particularly for fin and humpback whales, suggested a progressive use of higher-trophic level prey, such as small pelagic fish, whereas the stability of blue whale diet over time confirmed their specialized feeding behaviour. This study provides the first long-term assessment of trophic ecology among rorqual populations on this Northwest Atlantic feeding ground, and evidence for differential resource use among large marine predators following ecosystem change.
机译:摘要:当资源分配随时间和空间减少种间竞争时,生态相似的物种可能共存。了解这些物种集合中的资源使用情况可能有助于预测物种相对丰度如何影响生态系统功能。在加拿大圣劳伦斯湾,有4种不规则的鲸鱼(蓝色小ala,小鳍B.physalus,小须鱼Acutorostrata 和座头鲸(i.Megaptera novaeangliae )在夏季喂食期共存。可以在彼此相距数百米的范围内观察到它们,表明生态位重叠。然而,精细的栖息地利用分析表明存在一些资源划分。尽管在包括圣劳伦斯湾在内的海洋生态系统中已观察到重大的生态变化,但我们对掠夺性鱼类的清除如何在整个生态系统中级联的了解很少。在这里,我们利用渔业崩溃(发生于1992年)之后的19年组织采集来调查在失去了主要生态系统组成部分底层鱼类之后,轮生鲸鱼协会中的营养位细分。我们分析了1992年至2010年之间采样的626个不规则个体的稳定同位素比率。使用贝叶斯同位素混合模型,我们证明了这4个不规则物种通过消耗不同比例的共享猎物而在营养上分离。在研究期间(底层鱼类倒塌后),尤其是有鳍鲸和座头鲸的δ 15 N值总体增加,表明逐渐使用了较高营养水平的猎物,例如小型远洋鱼类,而蓝鲸饮食随着时间的推移而稳定,这证实了它们的专门喂养行为。这项研究首次对该西北大西洋觅食地的不平等种群的营养生态进行了长期评估,并为生态系统变化后大型海洋捕食者之间不同资源利用提供了证据。



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