首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Algorithms to estimate Antarctic sea ice algal biomass from under-ice irradiance spectra at regional scales

Algorithms to estimate Antarctic sea ice algal biomass from under-ice irradiance spectra at regional scales




ABSTRACT: The presence of algal pigments in sea ice alters under-ice irradiance spectra, and the relationship between these variables can be used as a non-invasive means for estimating ice-associated algal biomass on ecologically relevant spatial and temporal scales. While the influence of snow cover and ice algal biomass on spectra transmitted through the snow-ice matrix has been examined for the Arctic, it has not been tested for Antarctic sea ice at regional scales. We used paired measurements of sea ice core chl a concentrations and hyperspectral-transmitted under-ice irradiances from 59 sites sampled off East Antarctica and in the Weddell Sea to develop algorithms for estimating algal biomass in Antarctic pack ice. We compared 4 approaches that have been used in various bio-optical studies for marine systems: normalised difference indices, ratios of spectral irradiance, scaled band area and empirical orthogonal functions. The percentage of variance explained by these models ranged from 38 to 79%, with the best-performing approach being normalised difference indices. Given the low concentrations of integrated chl a observed in our study compared with previous studies, our statistical models performed surprisingly well in explaining variability in these concentrations. Our findings provide a basis for future work to develop methods for non-invasive time series measurements and medium- to large-scale spatial mapping of Antarctic ice algal biomass using instrumented underwater vehicles.
机译:摘要:海冰中藻类色素的存在改变了冰下辐射光谱,这些变量之间的关系可以用作非侵入性手段,以生态相关的时空尺度估算与冰相关的藻类生物量。尽管已经对北极考察了积雪和冰藻生物量对通过冰冰矩阵传输的光谱的影响,但尚未针对区域规模的南极海冰进行测试。我们对南极东部和韦德尔海的59个地点的海冰芯chl a 浓度和高光谱传输的冰下辐照度进行了成对测量,以开发估算南极冰块中藻类生物量的算法。我们比较了已在海洋系统的各种生物光学研究中使用的4种方法:归一化差异指数,光谱辐照度比,标定能带面积和经验正交函数。这些模型解释的方差百分比范围从38%到79%,其中表现最佳的方法是归一化差异指数。鉴于在我们的研究中观察到的整合的chl a 的浓度与以前的研究相比较低,我们的统计模型在解释这些浓度的变化方面表现出奇地好。我们的发现为将来使用仪表化水下航行器开发无创时间序列测量方法和南极冰藻生物量的中到大规模空间制图方法提供了基础。



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