首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Coastal marine and in-river migration behaviour of adult sockeye salmon en route to spawning grounds

Coastal marine and in-river migration behaviour of adult sockeye salmon en route to spawning grounds




ABSTRACT: Although behaviour and physiology of the reproductive migration of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. have been studied for the upriver migration, equivalent information for the coastal marine migratory phase has been difficult to obtain. Acoustic acceleration transmitters equipped with pressure sensors provide a tool to study swimming activity and migration depth of salmon in both marine and fresh water. Ocean migrating sockeye salmon O. nerka bound for the Fraser River, British Columbia (Canada), were intercepted approximately 200 km from the river entrance, tagged and tracked as they crossed several acoustic receiver lines in coastal waters and the lower Fraser River. Acceleration data were converted to swim speed using an existing statistical model. Data from 55 tagged fish revealed that swim speed and depth varied among migratory locales. Migration difficulty (freshwater migration distance and elevation to natal stream) was related to swim speed in the marine environment. Some of the variability in swim speed and depth was explained by diel and tidal cycles. In the marine environment, average (±SEM) swim speed estimate was ~1.23 body lengths (BL) s-1 at an average depth of 13 ± 0.058 m (range = 0-171 m), whereas the average swim speed in the river was significantly higher at ~1.57 BL s-1 at an average  (±SEM) depth of ~9 ± 0.018 m (range = 0-21 m). Consistent with the physiological literature, coastal migrating fish were swimming near metabolically optimal speeds (0.9-1.2 BL s-1). Overall this study demonstrates that using acoustic accelerometer transmitters can provide valuable insights into behaviour of homing sockeye salmon in both marine and freshwater environments.
机译:摘要:虽然太平洋鲑鱼 Oncorhynchus spp的繁殖迁移的行为和生理学。对于上游迁移已经进行了研究,很难获得沿海海洋迁移阶段的等效信息。配备压力传感器的声加速度变送器提供了一种工具,可以研究鲑鱼在海水和淡水中的游泳活动和迁移深度。海洋中迁移的鲑鱼 O。驶向不列颠哥伦比亚省(加拿大)弗雷泽河的纳尔卡在距河口约200公里处被截获,并在穿越沿海水域和弗雷泽河下游的几条声学接收器线时进行了标记和追踪。使用现有的统计模型将加速度数据转换为游泳速度。来自55个带有标签的鱼的数据表明,游speed地点的游泳速度和深度各不相同。迁徙难度(淡水迁徙距离和对母体溪流的升高)与海洋环境中的游泳速度有关。游泳速度和深度的一些变化是由迪尔和潮汐周期解释的。在海洋环境中,平均游泳深度估计值(±SEM)为〜1.23体长(BL)s -1 ,平均深度为13±0.058 m(范围= 0-171 m),而在平均(±SEM)深度为〜9±0.018 m(范围= 0-21 m)的情况下,河流的平均游泳速度明显更高,约为〜1.57 BL s -1 。与生理学文献一致,沿海迁徙的鱼类以接近代谢最佳速度(0.9-1.2 BL s -1 )的速度游泳。总体而言,这项研究表明,使用声学加速度计变送器可以为在海洋和淡水环境中寻回红鲑的行为提供有价值的见解。



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