首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Community metabolism, phytoplankton size ­structure and heterotrophic prokaryote production in a highly productive upwelling zone off northern Chile

Community metabolism, phytoplankton size ­structure and heterotrophic prokaryote production in a highly productive upwelling zone off northern Chile




ABSTRACT: We investigated the ecological factors affecting net ecosystem metabolism (as the ratio of gross primary production to community respiration) by studying functional relationships between total and fractionated autotrophic biomass, heterotrophic prokaryote production, nutrients and net ecosystem metabolism, considering short-term (daily) and seasonal scales of variability in oceanographic conditions and wind stress. These studies were performed at 2 coastal upwelling sites off northern Chile (Chipana, ~21°S; Mejillones, ~23°S) in winter 2005, summer 2006, winter 2006 and summer 2007. Changes in the direction and persistence of the upwelling, which is driven by wind stress on a synoptic scale (6 d), appeared to be an important factor modulating phytoplankton size structure. Gross primary production did not show seasonality, probably because of the permanent equatorward wind regime off northern Chile. The phytoplankton community was dominated by the microphytoplankton size fraction (20 µm), which was largely responsible for the variability of the total phytoplankton biomass. We found that the increase in contribution of large phytoplankton cells could generate net autotrophy in response to increased nitrate concentrations in the mixed layer, emphasizing that the degree of decoupling between gross primary production and community respiration may be primarily controlled by upwelling. Our results showed that the degree of coupling between heterotrophic prokaryote production and gross primary production as well as the amount of organic matter processed by prokaryotes vary with changes in the dominance of autotrophic and heterotrophic processes in the microplanktonic community.
机译:摘要:通过研究短期(每天)和每天自养生物量,分养自养生物量,异养原核生物产量,养分和净生态系统代谢之间的功能关系,我们研究了影响净生态系统代谢的生态因素(占初级生产总值与群落呼吸的比率) )以及海洋条件和风应力变化的季节性尺度。这些研究是在2005年冬季,2006年夏季,2006年冬季和2007年夏季在智利北部沿海的两个沿海上升流场(Chipana,〜21°S; Mejillones,〜23°S)进行的。在天气尺度(6 d)的风应力驱动下,它似乎是调节浮游植物大小结构的重要因素。初级生产总值未显示季节性,可能是由于智利北部永久性赤道风情。浮游植物群落以微浮游植物大小分数(> 20 µm)为主,这在很大程度上决定了浮游生物总生物量的可变性。我们发现,大型浮游植物细胞的贡献增加可响应混合层中硝酸盐浓度的增加而产生净自养,强调初级生产总值与群落呼吸之间的脱钩程度可能主要受上升流控制。我们的研究结果表明,异养原核生物生产与初级总生产之间的耦合程度以及原核生物加工的有机物的数量随微浮游生物群落中自养和异养过程的优势度的变化而变化。



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