首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Crab bioturbation and herbivory reduce pre- and post-germination success of Sarcocornia perennis in bare patches of SW Atlantic salt marshes

Crab bioturbation and herbivory reduce pre- and post-germination success of Sarcocornia perennis in bare patches of SW Atlantic salt marshes

机译:螃蟹的生物扰动和食草性降低了西南大西洋盐沼裸露地上多年生Sarcocornia perennis的发芽前后的成功率



ABSTRACT: Colonization of bare patches is a key process during community development given that pioneers usually have positive and negative effects on the forthcoming species. A variety of biotic and abiotic factors influence the process of colonization of bare patches. In salt marshes, however, the emphasis has been on abiotic factors and plant–plant interactions, while comparatively little attention has been paid to the role of plant–animal interactions in the successful colonization by pioneer plants. Thus, the goal of the present study was to evaluate whether bioturbation and herbivory by the burrowing crab Neohelice (Chasmagnathus) granulata affected the number of seedlings of the pioneer plant Sarcocornia perennis in SW Atlantic salt marshes. To evaluate this, we conducted an experiment using exclosures deployed at different times (post-dispersal and post-germination). The results showed that post-germination exclosures had 62% fewer seedlings than post-dispersal exclosures but 8 times more than plots always accessible to crabs. We also used glass beads to experimentally evaluate the potential effect of crab bioturbation on seed availability, and we used 1 yr old transplants to evaluate whether herbivory could explain post-germination mortality. Crab bioturbation reduced the number of glass beads on the surface by 56%, and transplants were highly consumed when crabs were present. These results suggest that seed burial by bioturbation exerts a pre-germination control while herbivory exerts a post-germination control. The results also highlight the importance of considering biotic factors when analyzing the success of marsh plants colonizing bare surfaces.
机译:摘要:鉴于先驱者通常会对即将到来的物种产生正面和负面影响,裸露斑块的定居是社区发展的关键过程。多种生物和非生物因素都会影响裸露斑块的定殖过程。然而,在盐沼中,重点是非生物因素和植物与植物之间的相互作用,而在先锋植物成功定居中,植物与动物之间的相互作用却很少受到关注。因此,本研究的目的是评估穴居蟹 Neeohelice ( Chasmagnathus) granulata 引起的生物扰动和食草是否影响了幼苗数量。在西南大西洋盐沼的先锋植物 Sarcocornia perennis 为了对此进行评估,我们使用在不同时间(分散后和发芽后)部署的遮盖物进行了实验。结果表明,发芽后的种群比散布后的种群少62%,但比螃蟹经常接触的地块多8倍。我们还使用玻璃珠实验性地评估了螃蟹生物扰动对种子可利用性的潜在影响,并且我们使用了1年的旧移植物来评估食草是否可以解释发芽后的死亡率。螃蟹的生物扰动使表面玻璃珠的数量减少了56%,当存在螃蟹时,移植物被大量消耗。这些结果表明,通过生物扰动埋葬种子可以控制发芽前,而食草动物则可以控制发芽后。结果还突出了分析沼泽植物在裸露表面定殖的成功时考虑生物因素的重要性。



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