首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Mediating effects of sea urchins on interactions among corals, algae and herbivorous fish in the Moorea lagoon, French Polynesia

Mediating effects of sea urchins on interactions among corals, algae and herbivorous fish in the Moorea lagoon, French Polynesia




ABSTRACT: The relative importance of grazing by sea urchins in influencing the composition and structure of coral reef habitats has only occasionally been explored experimentally, and never on the coral reefs of Oceania, where both herbivorous fishes and sea urchins are often common. In this paper we report the results of an experiment in French Polynesia, in which densities of an abundant sea urchin, Echinometra mathaei, were manipulated within the territories of an abundant omnivorous, ‘gardening’ pomacentrid fish (Stegastes lividus) in thickets of Acropora pulchra. Increasing the sea urchin density resulted in reductions in the standing crop of algae and over-grazing of the dead coral substratum on which the algae grew. After 2 yr of this treatment, the coral thickets began to collapse. Reducing sea urchin densities to very low levels also resulted in collapse of the coral thickets and reduced densities of the fish, although algal biomass was apparently unaffected. We posit that the fish–coral–sea urchin–algal assemblage is relatively robust to wide fluctuations in sea urchin densities, but when sea urchin densities are driven to extremes the coral–algal habitat becomes destabilised and the entire system collapses, possibly as a result of different bioerosion processes in play at high and low sea urchin densities.
机译:摘要:海胆放牧对影响珊瑚礁栖息地的组成和结构的相对重要性仅是通过实验偶然发现的,从来没有在大洋洲的珊瑚礁上发现过,因为草食性鱼类和海胆常常很常见。在本文中,我们报告了在法属波利尼西亚进行的一项实验的结果,该实验中,在大量杂食性的“园艺” pomacentrid鱼( Echinometra mathaei i> Stropastes lividus)在 Acropora pulchra 的灌木丛中。海胆密度的增加导致藻类常备作物的减少以及藻类生长所在的死珊瑚基质的过度放牧。经过2年的处理,珊瑚丛开始坍塌。将海胆密度降低到非常低的水平也会导致珊瑚丛崩溃和鱼类密度降低,尽管藻类生物量显然没有受到影响。我们认为,鱼-珊瑚-海胆-藻类组合对海胆密度的广泛波动具有较强的抵抗力,但是当海胆密度达到极限时,珊瑚-海藻栖息地就会变得不稳定,整个系统可能会崩溃高和低海胆密度下不同生物侵蚀过程的变化



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