首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Temporal and spatial variation in the reproductive ecology of the vent-endemic amphipod Ventiella sulfuris in the eastern Pacific

Temporal and spatial variation in the reproductive ecology of the vent-endemic amphipod Ventiella sulfuris in the eastern Pacific




ABSTRACT: Populations of the vent-endemic amphipod Ventiella sulfuris were compared from 6 East Pacific Rise (EPR) vent sites of different ages, 3 from the northern EPR and 3 from the southern EPR. Although vent age affected amphipod abundance, with no individuals at the oldest vent, other population/reproductive parameters were found to be site dependent rather than vent age dependent. There was little within-site variation in population structure and reproductive output, probably the result of high within-site motility. However, there were significant between-site and between-field differences, indicating a high degree of population and reproductive variability and a moderate degree of vent fidelity. Since population structure and reproductive output varied between sites, the possibility of their use as biomarkers of vent ‘condition’ is discussed. The reproductive ecology of V. sulfuris is described for the first time and compared to that of other vent amphipod species. Unlike other species studied, reproductive output is relatively high. Adults move to the periphery of vents to reproduce and brood; after brooding, they moult again, return to feed at vent habitats (e.g. mussel and tube worm beds), and undergo a new phase of gonad maturation and emigration.
机译:摘要:比较了6个不同年龄的东太平洋上升(EPR)发泄点,3个EPR南部和3个EPR南部的发泄流行两栖动物 Ventiella sulfis 的种群。尽管通风口的年龄会影响两栖类动物的数量,但没有个体位于最老的通风口,但发现其他种群/生殖参数与地点有关,而不是与通风口的年龄有关。种群内部结构和繁殖产量几乎没有变异,这可能是种群内运动能力强的结果。但是,场间和场间存在显着差异,表明种群和生殖变异程度高,通风口保真度中等。由于不同地点之间的人口结构和生殖产出存在差异,因此讨论了将其用作发泄“状况”生物标记的可能性。 V的生殖生态学。首次描述了硫磺菌,并将其与其他通风两栖动物物种的硫磺菌进行了比较。与其他研究物种不同,生殖产出相对较高。成虫移动到通风口的周围繁殖和繁殖。孵化后,它们再次蜕皮,返回到通风口栖息地(例如贻贝和管状蠕虫床)觅食,并经历了性腺成熟和移民的新阶段。



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