首页> 外文期刊>Marine Drugs >Structural and Functional Characterization of a Novel α-Conotoxin Mr1.7 from Conus marmoreus Targeting Neuronal nAChR α3β2, α9α10 and α6/α3β2β3 Subtypes

Structural and Functional Characterization of a Novel α-Conotoxin Mr1.7 from Conus marmoreus Targeting Neuronal nAChR α3β2, α9α10 and α6/α3β2β3 Subtypes




In the present study, we synthesized and, structurally and functionally characterized a novel α4/7-conotoxin Mr1.7 (PECCTHPACHVSHPELC-NH2), which was previously identified by cDNA libraries from Conus marmoreus in our lab. The NMR solution structure showed that Mr1.7 contained a 310-helix from residues Pro7 to His10 and a type I β-turn from residues Pro14 to Cys17. Electrophysiological results showed that Mr1.7 selectively inhibited the α3β2, α9α10 and α6/α3β2β3 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) with an IC50 of 53.1 nM, 185.7 nM and 284.2 nM, respectively, but showed no inhibitory activity on other nAChR subtypes. Further structure-activity studies of Mr1.7 demonstrated that the PE residues at the N-terminal sequence of Mr1.7 were important for modulating its selectivity, and the replacement of Glu2 by Ala resulted in a significant increase in potency and selectivity to the α3β2 nAChR. Furthermore, the substitution of Ser12 with Asn in the loop2 significantly increased the binding of Mr1.7 to α3β2, α3β4, α2β4 and α7 nAChR subtypes. Taken together, this work expanded our knowledge of selectivity and provided a new way to improve the potency and selectivity of inhibitors for nAChR subtypes.
机译:在本研究中,我们合成了新型α4/ 7-芋螺毒素Mr1.7(PECCTHPACHVSHPELC-NH 2 ),并在结构和功能上进行了表征,该蛋白先前已在我们实验室中通过Conus marmoreus的cDNA文库进行了鉴定。 。 NMR溶液结构表明,Mr1.7含有从残基Pro 7 到His 10 的3 10 -螺旋和I型β转角从残基Pro 14 到Cys 17 。电生理结果表明,Mr1.7选择性抑制α3β2,α9α10和α6/α3β2β3神经元烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nAChRs),IC50分别为53.1 nM,185.7 nM和284.2 nM,但未显示对其他nAChR亚型的抑制活性。对Mr1.7的进一步结构活性研究表明,Mr1.7的N端序列上的PE残基对于调节其选择性很重要,而Ala替代Glu 2 导致显着增加对α3β2nAChR的效力和选择性。此外,在loop2中用Asn取代Ser 12 显着增加了Mr1.7与α3β2,α3β4,α2β4和α7nAChR亚型的结合。总之,这项工作扩展了我们对选择性的认识,并提供了一种新的方法来提高nAChR亚型抑制剂的效价和选择性。



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