首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla : a further stepping stone in the western Mediterranean

Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla : a further stepping stone in the western Mediterranean

机译:Caulerpa taxifolia var。 distichophylla:地中海西部的另一个垫脚石



Background In the Mediterranean sea, about 150 species of invasive macroalgae are recorded until now these alien species have produced serious effect due to their capability to modify the physical and chemical property of the invaded habitats and to compete with native assemblages so as threatening the biodiversity and the ecosystem functioning. Results Based on morphological characters, the invasive green alga Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla, has been recognised for the first time in the Strait of Messina area, off the northeastern coast of Sicily (Tyrrhenian Sea, western Mediterranean). This record confirms the rapid spread of this taxon from the Levantine area towards the western basins, and suggests a human-mediated dispersion. The new invader occurs in different habitats than C. taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh, and the respective habitats do not overlap in the Strait of Messina. A previously undescribed association of this species with tropical–subtropical phanerogams and green algae, is a further example of the global change-mediated reorganisation of Mediterranean benthic assemblages. Conclusions This record expands the known distribution range of this invasive green algae in Mediterranean Sea.
机译:背景技术在地中海地区,迄今已记录了约150种入侵性巨藻,这些外来物种已产生严重影响,原因是它们具有改变入侵生境的物理和化学特性并与本地种群竞争从而威胁生物多样性和生物多样性的能力。生态系统的功能。结果根据形态特征,入侵性绿藻Caulerpa taxifolia var。 distichophylla,在西西里岛东北海岸(地中海西部的第勒尼安海)的墨西拿海峡地区首次得到认可。该记录证实了该分类单元从黎凡特地区向西部盆地的迅速传播,并表明了人类介导的分散。新的入侵者发生在与C. taxifolia(Vahl)C. Agardh不同的生境中,并且各个生境在墨西拿海峡不重叠。该物种与热带-亚热带幽灵藻类和绿藻之间的先前未曾描述的关联,是地中海底栖生物全球变化介导的重组的另一个例子。结论该记录扩大了这种侵入性绿藻在地中海的已知分布范围。



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