首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >First record of Siganus randalli (Teleost, Siganidae) in New Caledonia, and comments on its diet

First record of Siganus randalli (Teleost, Siganidae) in New Caledonia, and comments on its diet

机译:在新喀里多尼亚的(Siganus randalli,Teleost)



Background Most of the 29 Siganidae species are widely distributed through the Indo-Pacific area. In New Caledonia, these family was represented by 12 species. The present report is the first record of Siganus randalli in New Caledonian waters and provide information on its diet. Methods Three specimens of Siganus randalli were caught in shallow mangrove waters of the southern part of New Caledonia. Their stomach contents and isotopic signatures (carbon and nitrogen) were analyzed and compared to others siganids species. Results and conclusion This note provides the most southerly record of the rabbitfish Siganus randalli , which extends its distribution range by 1200?km southward and 1300?km southwest. The data on its diet, when compared with other co-occurring or more reef-associated siganid species, provide information on feeding processes and ecological functions associated with its mangrove habitat.
机译:背景技术29种Si科科动物中的大多数广泛分布于印度太平洋地区。在新喀里多尼亚,这些科有12种。本报告是新喀里多尼亚水域中的西加努斯人的第一个记录,并提供有关其饮食的信息。方法在新喀里多尼亚南部的浅红树林水域中捕获三只西格纳斯us。分析了它们的胃内容物和同位素特征(碳和氮),并与其他类gan虫物种进行了比较。结果与结论本说明提供了兔子鱼Siganus randalli的最南端记录,其分布范围向南延伸1200公里,向西南延伸1300公里。与其他同时发生的或更多与珊瑚礁相关的类gan虫物种相比,其饮食数据提供了有关其红树林栖息地的摄食过程和生态功能的信息。



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