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First aggregation of grey nurse sharks ( Carcharias taurus ) confirmed in Western Australia

机译:西澳大利亚州首次确认了灰nurse鲨(Carcharias taurus)的聚集



Background The population of grey nurse sharks ( Carcharias taurus ) found along the coast of Western Australia (WA) is listed as Near Threatened under the International Union for Conservation of Nature and yet has been the subject of minimal targeted research in WA. In contrast, the eastern Australian and southwest Atlantic subpopulations of C. taurus are afforded Critically Endangered status following a much greater research effort. Aggregation sites are important in the life cycle of C. taurus for mating and pupping, and their identification underpins conservation efforts. The present study set out to complete a detailed, multi-year assessment of C. taurus at the Point Murat Navy Pier in Exmouth, WA, where recreational divers have reported occasional sightings over many years. Results Between 2007 and 2012 a permanent subsurface video camera was deployed, with the subsequent analysis of over 1000?days of underwater footage revealing sixteen C. taurus individuals, which were positively identified using spot patterns. Ten sharks returned to the site over multiple years, with presence/absence data displaying a strong negative correlation with water temperature. Sharks were never recorded above a mean daily sea temperature of 25.5?°C, indicating a possible upper threshold for aggregations of this population. Conclusions While the study revealed a comparatively small gathering of C. taurus , the authors maintain that the systematic nature of visitations by individual sharks over a number of years qualifies the location as a noteworthy aggregation site, the first ever confirmed in Western Australia, and the northernmost documented for C. taurus in Australia to date.
机译:背景技术在西澳大利亚州(WA)海岸发现的灰nurse鲨(Carcharias taurus)种群在国际自然保护联盟下被列为“濒临灭绝”,但一直是西澳大利亚州针对性最少的研究对象。相比之下,在更大的研究努力下,澳大利亚东部和西南大西洋金牛座亚种被赋予极度濒危状态。聚集点在金牛座的生命周期中对于交配和幼仔很重要,对它们的识别是保护工作的基础。本研究着手完成在华盛顿州埃克斯茅斯的穆拉特角海军码头的金牛座的详细,多年的评估,多年来,休闲潜水员在这里多次目睹了金牛座。结果在2007年至2012年之间,部署了永久性地下摄像机,随后对超过1000天的水下录像进行了分析,发现了16个金牛座金牛座个体,并使用斑点模式对其进行了积极识别。十年来,有十只鲨鱼返回该地点,有无数据显示与水温有很强的负相关性。从未记录到鲨鱼的日平均气温高于25.5?C,表明该种群聚集的可能上限。结论尽管该研究显示金牛角鲨的聚集相对较小,但作者坚持认为,数年来个别鲨鱼的系统性探访使该地点成为了一个值得注意的聚集地,这在西澳大利亚州是第一个被确认的地点。迄今为止,澳大利亚最北端的金牛座金牛座。



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