首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >Occurrence of Holacanthus clarionensis (Pomacanthidae), Stegastes leucorus , and Stegastes acapulcoensis (Pomacentridae) at Magdalena Bay, B.C.S., Mexico

Occurrence of Holacanthus clarionensis (Pomacanthidae), Stegastes leucorus , and Stegastes acapulcoensis (Pomacentridae) at Magdalena Bay, B.C.S., Mexico

机译:墨西哥不列颠哥伦比亚马格达莱纳湾的Holacanthus clarionensis(Pomacanthidae),Segagas leucorus和Stegastes acapulcoensis(Pomacentridae)的发生。



Pomacanthids and Pomacentrids are mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, and inhabit shallow rocky and coral reefs. Due to their colorful patterns and unusual body shapes, they have been widely targeted by aquarium fish trade; these species are of great commercial interest. Here we document the occurrence of one Pomacanthid ( Holacanthus clarionensis ), and two Pomacentrids ( Stegastes acapulcoensis , and S. leucorus ) north of their reported distribution range during the 2014 warm water period in the eastern Tropical Eastern Pacific. Sightings took place at Magdalena-Almejas Bay complex, located in the western margin of the Baja California Peninsula. Using a series of abiotic data for the Tropical Eastern Pacific, we created a maximum entropy model for each species and identified that high probability of occurrence at Magdalena-Almejas Bay complex was only denoted for S. leucorus . Here we report the occurrence of H. clarionensis , S. acapulcoensis and S. leucorus 70?km, 300?km, and 300?km north of the northernmost reported limits.
机译:Pomacanthids和Pomacentrids主要分布在热带和亚热带地区,栖息于浅礁石和珊瑚礁中。由于它们色彩鲜艳的图案和不寻常的身体形状,它们已成为水族馆鱼类贸易的广泛目标。这些物种具有巨大的商业价值。在这里,我们记录了在热带东太平洋东部2014年暖水期中,在报告的分布范围以北出现了1个Pomacanthid(Holacanthus clarionensis)和2个Pomacentridids(Segagas acapulcoensis和S. leucorus)。目击事件发生在位于下加利福尼亚加利福尼亚半岛西部边缘的马格达莱纳-阿尔梅哈斯湾建筑群。利用热带东太平洋的一系列非生物数据,我们为每种物种建立了最大熵模型,并确定仅在白带链球菌中就表示在玛格达莱纳-阿尔梅哈斯湾复合体发生的可能性很高。在这里,我们报告了最北端报告限以北70?km,300?km和300?km处发生的克拉克菌,沙门氏菌和白带菌的发生。



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