首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >Non-indigenous giant mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forsk?l, 1775) (Crustacea: Brachyura: Portunidae) in Malaysian coastal waters: a call for caution

Non-indigenous giant mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forsk?l, 1775) (Crustacea: Brachyura: Portunidae) in Malaysian coastal waters: a call for caution

机译:马来西亚沿海水域的非本土巨型泥蟹Scylla serrata(Forsk?l,1775年)(甲壳纲:Brachyura:Portunidae):呼吁谨慎



Introduction of non-indigenous species into a well-established ecosystem can be detrimental, resulting in both ecological and economical damage. Two specimens of giant mud crab, Scylla serrata were found for the first time in two geographically distinct mud crab landing sites (Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Perak and Kota Marudu Mangrove Forest, Sabah) in Malaysia. Their identities were confirmed using a combination of morphological, morphometric and molecular (partial COI gene) analyses. Scylla serrata is regarded as non-indigenous species within Malaysian coastal waters as this is the first confirmed report of their occurrence in Malaysia and no established population was found in both landing sites. Accidental release or escape was considered as the possible vector for the introduction of the two specimens found in this study as frequent import of S. serrata from other countries were reported in both landing sites. Urgent intervention is needed to prevent further introduction and possible establishment of S. serrata population in Malaysian coastal waters.
机译:将非土著物种引入完善的生态系统可能是有害的,从而造成生态和经济损失。在马来西亚两个地理上不同的泥蟹登陆点(霹雳州霹雳州马塘红树林森林保护区和沙巴州哥打玛鲁都红树林)首次发现了两个巨型泥蟹标本,Scyla serrata。通过形态学,形态计量学和分子(部分COI基因)分析相结合,确认了他们的身份。 Scylla serrata被认为是马来西亚沿海水域中的非本地物种,因为这是有关它们在马来西亚发生的首个确认报告,并且在两个登陆点均未发现任何定居种群。意外释放或逃逸被认为是引入本研究中发现的两个标本的可能媒介,因为据报道在两个着陆点都频繁从其他国家进口锯齿沙门氏菌。需要紧急干预,以防止在马来西亚沿海水域进一步引入锯齿沙雷氏菌和可能建立它们。



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