首页> 外文期刊>Management and Production Engineering Review >Kaizen-Driven Approach While Managing Industrial Projects. A Scandinavian Company Succeeds in Eastern Europe

Kaizen-Driven Approach While Managing Industrial Projects. A Scandinavian Company Succeeds in Eastern Europe




Eastern European companies have experienced various and radical transformations, as resultof the economic crises and turbulences, which exposed structural weaknesses. In the meantime, long-term challenges - such as globalization, shift of power centers from the nationallevel to international structures or scarcity of resources - intensify. Given this context, it ismandatory for companies to develop strategies aiming at being competitive. The paper aims to propose an exploratory analysis regarding a Swedish-Finnish ownedcompany active in Romania - that was capable to build a strategic vision of its future, todefine a plan for change and to implement the necessary measures for the project success. The author has conducted a study and developed a case along a project aiming at continuousimprovement (Kaizen) in this company, emphasizing its main results. In order to analyzethe project of implementing Kaizen methodology, the research initiative consisted both ofprimary and secondary research. The paper analyzes the project from the point of view ofeconomic situation of the company and environment, time constraints, budget limitations, technical level/quality performance and risks. The central finding is that concept-oriented projects run by an advanced-country companycould succeed in a less economically developed and culturally different country - even inturbulent periods and not even in highly dynamic and technologically advanced industries- if the top management is strongly committed and management team completely involved. The paper concludes with study results, as well as some lessons learnt and managerialimplications - useful for future similar projects either within the company under debate orby other organizations in similar circumstances.



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