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Non- tenera Contamination and the Economic Impact of SHELL Genetic Testing in the Malaysian Independent Oil Palm Industry

机译:马来西亚独立油棕产业中非 tenera 污染和 SHELL 基因测试的经济影响



Oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis ) is the most productive oil bearing crop worldwide. It has three fruit forms, namely dura (thick-shelled), pisifera (shell-less) and tenera (thin-shelled), which are controlled by the SHELL gene. The fruit forms exhibit monogenic co-dominant inheritance, where tenera is a hybrid obtained by crossing maternal dura and paternal pisifera palms. Commercial palm oil production is based on planting thin-shelled tenera palms, which typically yield 30% more oil than dura palms, while pisifera palms are female-sterile and have little to no palm oil yield. It is clear that tenera hybrids produce more oil than either parent due to single gene heterosis. The unintentional planting of dura or pisifera palms reduces overall yield and impacts land utilization that would otherwise be devoted to more productive tenera palms. Here, we identify three additional novel mutant alleles of the SHELL gene, which encode a type II MADS-box transcription factor, and determine oil yield via control of shell fruit form phenotype in a manner similar to two previously identified mutant SHELL alleles. Assays encompassing all five mutations account for all dura and pisifera palms analyzed. By assaying for these variants in 10,224 mature palms or seedlings, we report the first large scale accurate genotype-based determination of the fruit forms in independent oil palm planting sites and in the nurseries that supply them throughout Malaysia. The measured non- tenera contamination rate (10.9% overall on a weighted average basis) underscores the importance of SHELL genetic testing of seedlings prior to planting in production fields. By eliminating non- tenera contamination, comprehensive SHELL genetic testing can improve sustainability by increasing yield on existing planted lands. In addition, economic modeling demonstrates that SHELL gene testing will confer substantial annual economic gains to the oil palm industry, to Malaysian gross national income and to Malaysian government tax receipts.
机译:油棕(Elaeis guineensis)是全球生产力最高的含油作物。它具有三种水果形式,即硬脑膜(厚壳),白桦(无壳)和硬皮虫(薄壳),它们受SHELL基因控制。果实形式表现出单基因共显性遗传,其中tenera是通过将母体硬脑膜和父本雌蕊棕榈杂交而获得的杂种。商业性棕榈油的生产是基于种植薄壳的藜麦棕榈,这种棕榈通常比硬脑膜的棕榈油多出30%的油,而pisifera棕榈是雌性不育的,棕榈油的产量很少甚至没有。很明显,由于单基因杂种优势,天牛杂种比任一亲本产生更多的油。无意间种植硬脑膜或小白菊的棕榈会降低总产量,并影响土地利用,否则这些土地将被用于生产更具生产力的中坚棕榈。在这里,我们确定了SHELL基因的三个其他新型突变等位基因,它们编码II型MADS-box转录因子,并通过控制壳果形态表型以类似于两个先前鉴定的突变SHELL等位基因的方式确定了油产量。涵盖所有五个突变的分析占所分析的所有硬脑膜和pisifera手掌的比例。通过在10,224棵成熟的棕榈树或幼苗中检测这些变体,我们报道了首次大规模基于基因型的独立油棕种植地点和在整个马来西亚提供苗圃的苗圃中水果形式的确定。测得的非麦麸污染率(加权平均总体上为10.9%)强调了在生产田中种植之前对幼苗进行SHELL基因测试的重要性。通过消除非腱鞘污染,全面的SHELL基因测试可以通过增加现有种植地的单产来提高可持续性。此外,经济模型表明,SHELL基因检测将为油棕产业,马来西亚国民总收入和马来西亚政府税收收入带来可观的年度经济收益。


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