首页> 外文期刊>Gastroenterology Report >Three-cavity clearance (TCC) can decrease the fistula rate after drainage of a perianal abscess: a case–control study

Three-cavity clearance (TCC) can decrease the fistula rate after drainage of a perianal abscess: a case–control study




ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of three-cavity clearance (TCC) used for the treatment of perianal abscess.MethodsA case–control study of patients with perianal abscess was conducted at the Second and Third Affiliated Hospitals of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine from June 2013 to March 2016. Clinical data from 46 patients who had TCC were analysed. At the same time, 46 patients had simple incision and drainage and 46 patients had abscess drainage and cutting seton (radical abscess incision); the data from these patients were also analysed. The length of hospital stay, time of wound healing, fistula rate and anal incontinence were assessed.ResultsThe rate of fistula formation in the TCC group was 13.0%—significantly lower than that in the group with simple incision and drainage (39.1%, p?0.01) and similar to the group with radical abscess incision (8.7%, p?0.05). Two patients (4.3%) in the group with radical abscess incision had anal incontinence, flatus and soiling; their Wexner scores were 6 and 3, respectively. There was no anal incontinence in the TCC group or the simple incision and drainage group. There were no statistical differences in the time of wound healing and length of hospital stay among the three groups (both p?0.05).ConclusionTCC is a safe and effective sphincter-preserving procedure for perianal abscess formation and can decrease the fistula rate after perianal abscess drainage. It appears to be a valuable method that can be used in clinical practice; however, further studies are needed to verify this finding.
机译:目的本研究旨在评估三腔清除术治疗肛周脓肿的安全性和有效性。方法在南京大学第二附属医院和第三附属医院进行了肛周脓肿患者的病例对照研究。从2013年6月至2016年3月,对46例患有TCC的患者的临床数据进行了分析。同时,单纯切口引流46例,脓肿引流切开术(根治性脓肿切开术)46例。还分析了来自这些患者的数据。结果:TCC组的瘘管形成率为13.0%,明显低于单纯切开引流组(39.1%,p?1)。 <0.01),与根治性脓肿切口组相似(8.7%,p <0.05)。根治性脓肿切开术组中有2例(4.3%)出现肛门失禁,肠胃胀气和脏污。他们的Wexner分数分别为6和3。 TCC组或单纯切开引流组均无肛门失禁。三组患者的伤口愈合时间和住院时间无统计学差异(均p> 0.05)。结论TCC是一种安全有效的保留肛周括约肌的括约肌方法,可降低肛周术后的瘘管发生率。脓肿引流。它似乎是一种可用于临床实践的有价值的方法。但是,需要进一步的研究来验证这一发现。



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