首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Marine Science >Integrating Archival Tag Data and a High-Resolution Oceanographic Model to Estimate Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) Movements in the Western Atlantic

Integrating Archival Tag Data and a High-Resolution Oceanographic Model to Estimate Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) Movements in the Western Atlantic

机译:集成档案标签数据和高分辨率海洋学模型以估计西大西洋的Sha鲨(Cetorhinus maximus)运动



Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) populations are considered ‘vulnerable’ globally and ‘endangered’ in the northeast Atlantic by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Much of our knowledge of this species comes from surface observations in coastal waters, yet recent evidence suggests the majority of their lives may be spent in the deep ocean. Depth preferences of basking sharks have significantly limited movement studies that used pop-up satellite archival transmitting (PSAT) tags as conventional light-based geolocation is impossible for tagged animals that spend significant time below the photic zone. We tagged 57 basking sharks with PSAT tags in the NW Atlantic from 2004-2011. Many individuals spent several months at meso- and bathy-pelagic depths where accurate light-level geolocation was impossible during fall, winter and spring. We applied a newly-developed geolocation approach for the PSAT data by comparing three-dimensional depth-temperature profile data recorded by the tags to modeled in-situ oceanographic data from the high-resolution HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Observation-based likelihoods were leveraged within a state-space hidden Markov model (HMM). The combined tracks revealed that basking sharks moved from waters around Cape Cod, MA to as far as the SE coast of Brazil (20°S), a total distance of over 17,000km. Moreover, 59% of tagged individuals with sufficient deployment durations (> 250 days) demonstrated seasonal fidelity to Cape Cod and the Gulf of Maine, with one individual returning to within 60 km of its tagging location one year later. Tagged sharks spent most of their time at epipelagic depths during summer months around Cape Cod and in the Gulf of Maine. During winter months, sharks spent extended periods at depths of at least 600 m while moving south to the Sargasso Sea, the Caribbean Sea, or the western tropical Atlantic. Our work demonstrates the utility of applying advances in oceanographic modeling to understanding habitat use of highly migratory, often meso- and bathy-pelagic, ocean megafauna. The large-scale movement patterns of tagged sharks highlight the need for international cooperation when designing and implementing conservation strategies to ensure that the species recovers from the historical effects of over-fishing throughout the North Atlantic Ocean.
机译:国际自然保护联盟认为鲨(Cetorhinus maximus)种群在全球范围内被视为“脆弱”,在东北大西洋地区被视为“濒临灭绝”。我们对该物种的很多了解来自沿海水域的地表观测,但最近的证据表明,其大部分生命可能都在深海中度过。 bas鲨的深度偏爱极大地限制了使用弹出式卫星档案传输(PSAT)标签进行的运动研究,因为传统的基于光的地理定位对于在光合带以下花费大量时间的带标签的动物是不可能的。我们从2004年至2011年在西北大西洋地区用PSAT标签标记了57条鲨。许多人在中上层和深水上层深处度过了几个月的时间,在秋天,冬天和春天,不可能进行精确的光水平地理定位。我们通过将标签记录的三维深度-温度剖面数据与高分辨率混合坐标海洋模型(HYCOM)建模的原位海洋学数据进行比较,对PSAT数据应用了新开发的地理定位方法。在状态空间隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)中利用了基于观察的可能性。合并的轨迹显示,bas鲨从马萨诸塞州科德角周围的水域移动到巴西东南海岸(20°S),总距离超过17,000公里。此外,有59%的具有足够部署持续时间(> 250天)的加标签个人表现出对科德角和缅因州海湾的季节性忠诚,一年后有1个人返回其加标签位置60公里以内。在夏季,鳕鱼角和缅因州湾周围的带标记的鲨鱼大部分时间都在上层深处度过。在冬季,鲨鱼在向南迁移至萨尔加索海,加勒比海或热带西部大西洋时,在至少600 m的深度上停留了很长时间。我们的工作证明了应用海洋学建模的进展来了解高度迁徙(通常是中上层和下层深海)大型海洋动物的栖息地用途的实用性。标记鲨鱼的大规模移动方式突显了在设计和实施保护策略时需要进行国际合作,以确保该物种从过度捕捞整个北大西洋的历史影响中恢复过来。



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