首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Marine Science >Tides in Three Enclosed Basins: The Baltic, Black, and Caspian Seas

Tides in Three Enclosed Basins: The Baltic, Black, and Caspian Seas




Tides are the main type of sea level variability in the world ocean. However, oceanic tides penetrate weakly, or do not penetrate at all, into enclosed basins such as the Baltic, Black and Caspian seas. Consequently, only directly forced tides are formed in these basins. Long observation time series (up to 123 years in the Baltic Sea and 38 years in the Black and Caspian seas) at numerous stations were used to precisely estimate tidal constituents. High-resolution spectra revealed fine structure of discrete peaks at tidal frequencies. The diurnal radiational constituent S1 (1 cpd), apparently associated with breeze winds, was found to play an important role in general tidal dynamics in these seas. Harmonic analysis of tides for individual yearly series with consecutive vector averaging over the entire observational period was applied to estimate mean amplitudes and phases of tidal constituents. Our findings indicate that the formation and predominance of diurnal or semidiurnal tides in these seas appears to depend on the frequency-selective properties of the basins. Thus, in the Baltic Sea with fundamental modal period of about 27 h, diurnal tides dominate in the major eastern gulfs. In the Black Sea resonant amplification of semidiurnal tides is observed in the northwestern part. The predominance of semidiurnal tides in the Caspian Sea has also probably a resonant nature. Maximum tidal heights estimated for a 100-year period are 23 cm in the Baltic Sea, 18 cm in the Black Sea and 21 cm in the southern Caspian Sea.
机译:潮汐是世界海洋中海平面变化的主要类型。但是,海洋潮汐几乎无法渗透,甚至根本无法渗透到波罗的海,黑海和里海等封闭的盆地中。因此,在这些盆地中仅形成直接强迫潮汐。在多个站点的长时间观测时间序列(在波罗的海长达123年,在黑海和里海长达38年)被用来精确估算潮汐成分。高分辨率光谱揭示了潮汐频率下离散峰的精细结构。显然与微风有关的日辐射分量S1(1 cpd)在这些海域的总体潮汐动力学中起着重要作用。应用逐个潮汐的谐波分析,并在整个观察期内进行连续矢量平均,以估算潮汐成分的平均振幅和相位。我们的发现表明,这些海中日或半日潮的形成和优势似乎取决于盆地的频率选择特性。因此,在波罗的海的基本模式周期约为27小时,日潮在主要东部海湾中占主导地位。在黑海,在西北部观察到半日潮的共振放大。里海半日潮的优势也可能具有共鸣性质。估计100年内的最大潮高在波罗的海为23厘米,黑海为18厘米,里海南部为21厘米。



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