首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Marine Science >Phytoplankton Response to Saharan Dust Depositions in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: A Mesocosm Study

Phytoplankton Response to Saharan Dust Depositions in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: A Mesocosm Study




The response of phytoplankton populations from surface ultra-oligotrophic waters of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea to Saharan dust additions was studied during a 10-day mesocosm experiment in May 2014. A set of triplicate mesocosms entitled ‘Single Addition’ treatment (SA) was amended with Saharan dust once, while another triplicate set entitled ‘Repetitive Addition’ treatment (RA) received the same amount of dust divided into three consecutive daily doses administered within the first three experimental days, both simulating patterns of dust deposition events taking place in the field. In both treatments, dust particles released small amounts of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus which stimulated by two-fold both chlorophyll-a concentration and primary production for a time period of six days, as compared to a set of control mesocosms carried out without dust addition. Phytoplankton response was similar in both treatments, regardless of the dust addition pattern, and it evolved through two distinct phases in both cases. The first phase (i.e. 1 to 2 days after initial addition) was characterized by enhancement of picoplankton chlorophyll-normalized production rates as a result of elevated orthophosphate concentrations while the second phase (i.e. 3 to 4 days after initial dust addition), was characterized by elevated chlorophyll-normalized production rates corresponding to larger cells (> 5 μm) as a result of increased mineral nitrogen concentrations. The stimulated primary production of larger cells was not accompanied by a respective increase in carbon biomass suggesting important top-down control. The major phytoplankton taxa detected during the experiment were Synechococcus, Pelagophytes and Prymnesiophytes. Estimations of cellular pigment concentrations and carbon-to-chlorophyll ratios of identified groups and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are discussed.
机译:在2014年5月进行的为期10天的中观宇宙试验中,研究了东地中海表面超贫营养水域浮游植物种群对撒哈拉尘埃增加的响应。撒哈拉粉尘一次,而另一套称为“重复添加”(RA)的三份重复粉尘,则在前三个实验日内接受了相同数量的粉尘,分为三个连续的每日剂量,这两个模拟都是在现场进行的。在两种处理中,与一组不添加粉尘的对照包膜相比,粉尘颗粒会释放少量的溶解的无机氮和磷,这些氮和磷受到叶绿素-a浓度和初级产量的两倍的刺激,持续六天。 。不论浮尘的添加方式如何,两种处理中的浮游植物反应都相似,并且在两种情况下都经历了两个不同的阶段。第一阶段(即初次添加后1至2天)的特征是由于正磷酸盐浓度升高而提高了浮游植物叶绿素标准化的生产率,而第二阶段(即初次添加粉尘后3至4天)的特征在于由于矿物质氮浓度增加,叶绿素标准化生产率提高,对应于较大细胞(> 5μm)。受刺激的较大细胞的初级生产并未伴随碳生物量的相应增加,表明重要的自上而下控制。在实验过程中检测到的主要浮游植物类群是轮滑球菌,轮生藻类和浮游植物。讨论了确定的组的细胞色素浓度和碳/叶绿素比的估计以及原核和真核细胞之间的差异。



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