首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Immunology >Dietary Probiotic Compound Improves Reproductive Performance of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus-Infected Sows Reared in a Japanese Commercial Swine Farm under Vaccine Control Condition

Dietary Probiotic Compound Improves Reproductive Performance of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus-Infected Sows Reared in a Japanese Commercial Swine Farm under Vaccine Control Condition




Lactogenic immunity transferred to piglets after inoculation of a live vaccine to pregnant sows was proved limited to control porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED). Hence, here we evaluated the efficacy of administration of a probiotic compound containing Bacillus mesentericus, Clostridium butyricum , and Enterococcus faecalis together with a commercial live-attenuated PED vaccine (Nisseiken PED Live Vaccine, Nisseiken, Tokyo, Japan) to improve the health and reproductive performance of PED-infected sows. Twenty pregnant sows in a PED-positive farm were equally divided into probiotics-administered (VP) and control (VC) sow groups. A commercial live-attenuated vaccine was injected as per the manufacturer’s instruction. The probiotic compound (15?g/day) was orally administered to VP from 6?weeks pre-parturition to 7?days post-parturition (ppd7). VP had a significantly higher body weight at ppd7 than VC (191 vs 186?kg; P ?
机译:事实证明,将活疫苗接种给怀孕母猪后,转移到仔猪的乳原性免疫仅限于控制猪流行性腹泻(PED)。因此,在这里,我们评估了含有益生菌,肠梭状芽胞杆菌和粪肠球菌的益生菌化合物与商业化减毒PED疫苗(Nisseiken PED活疫苗,Nisseiken,日本东京)一起服用以改善健康和生殖的功效。受PED感染的母猪的性能。 PED阳性猪场中的20只怀孕母猪被平均分为益生菌管理(VP)和对照(VC)母猪组。按照制造商的说明注射了减毒活疫苗。从分娩前6周至分娩后7天(ppd7)口服益生菌化合物(15?g /天)进行VP治疗。在ppd7时,VP的体重明显高于VC(191 vs 186?kg; P <0.05)。产后第3天(ppd3)(4.1​​8 vs 3.63?kg /天)和ppd7(5.14 vs 4.34?kg /天),VP产生的牛奶显着(P <0.05)(P <0.05)。 VP的乳清(分别为1.9和6.6?g / dL)在第0天的总免疫球蛋白(Ig)A和IgG浓度显着(P≤0.05)比VC(1.7和6.1?g / dL)高, 分别)。但是,在ppd3和ppd7时,VP和VC乳清中的总IgG浓度没有差异。 VP血清在0天的抗体效价明显高于VC(几何平均值分别为60 vs 37; P <0.05)。同样,在第0天发现VP和VC的乳清中的抗体效价相似(几何平均值为416对208;P≤0.33)。因此,与VC相比,VP从断奶到发情之间的天数要短(7天vs 10天; P <0.05)。此外,与VC相比,VP仔猪出生时的仔猪体重(9,252?g /每窝)显着(P 0.05)更高,而哺乳期间的死亡率(12%)更低(12%)。 , 分别)。总之,补充了益生菌,接种PED的母猪更健康,可以通过初乳将PED特异性抗体转移给仔猪,出生时的产仔体重更高,哺乳期的死亡率降低。



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