首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Microbiology >Composition and Activity of Microbial Communities along the Redox Gradient of an Alkaline, Hypersaline, Lake

Composition and Activity of Microbial Communities along the Redox Gradient of an Alkaline, Hypersaline, Lake




We compared the composition of microbial communities obtained by sequencing 16S rRNA gene amplicons with taxonomy derived from metatranscriptomes from the same samples. Samples were collected from alkaline, hypersaline Mono Lake, California, USA at five depths that captured the major redox zones of the lake during the onset of meromixis. The prokaryotic community was dominated by bacteria from the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes, while the picoeukaryotic chlorophyte Picocystis dominated the eukaryotes. Most (80%) of the abundant (>1% relative abundance) OTUs recovered as amplicons of 16S rRNA genes have been reported in previous surveys, indicating that Mono Lake's microbial community has remained stable over 12 years that have included periods of regular, annual overturn interspersed by episodes of prolonged meromixis that result in extremely reducing conditions in bottom water. Metatranscriptomic sequences binned predominately to the Gammaproteobacteria genera Thioalkalivibrio (4–13%) and Thioalkalimicrobium (0–14%); and to the Firmicutes genera Dethiobacter (0–5%) and Clostridium (1–4%), which were also abundant in the 16S rRNA gene amplicon libraries. This study provides insight into the taxonomic affiliations of transcriptionally active communities of the lake's water column under different redox conditions.
机译:我们比较了通过对16S rRNA基因扩增子进行测序而获得的微生物群落组成,并将其与源自相同样品的转录组的分类学进行了比较。样本是从美国加利福尼亚州碱性高盐度莫诺湖的五个深度采集的,这些样品捕获了混合混杂病发作期间湖的主要氧化还原带。原核生物群落主要来自门类变形杆菌,硬毛菌和拟杆菌,而微核的绿藻皮囊菌则以真核生物为主。在先前的调查中已报告了作为16S rRNA基因的扩增子而回收的大部分(80%)相对丰富的OTU(> 1%相对丰度),表明Mono Lake的微生物群落在过去12年中保持稳定,其中包括定期的,年度的翻滚被延长的黑系混杂散布,导致底水状况大大降低。转录组序列主要与γ-变形杆菌属Thioalkalivibrio(4–13%)和Thioalkalimicrobium(0–14%)结合。以及在16S rRNA基因扩增子文库中也有大量的Firmicutes属Dethiobacter(0–5%)和Clostridium(1-4%)。这项研究提供了在不同氧化还原条件下湖水柱转录活性群落的分类学隶属关系的见解。



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