首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Digital Humanities >Evaluation of the Use of Moist Potential Vorticity and Moist Potential Vorticity Vector in Describing Annual Cycles of Rainfall over Different Regions in Tanzania

Evaluation of the Use of Moist Potential Vorticity and Moist Potential Vorticity Vector in Describing Annual Cycles of Rainfall over Different Regions in Tanzania




The economy of Tanzania heavily depends on agriculture sector which is primarily rain-fed. In this paper, we compute the moist potential vorticity (MPV) and evaluate its usefulness to describe annual cycles of rainfall. We also modify the convective vorticity vector ((CVV) a??) which was defined as the cross product of absolute vorticity and the gradient of equivalent potential temperature to moist potential vorticity vector ((MPVV) a?? ). This vector is calculated as a cross product of absolute vorticity and the gradient of moist air entropic potential temperature. The performance of (MPVV) a?? to describe the annual cycles of rainfall over different regions in Tanzania is analyzed. Twenty six (26) years (1976-2001) daily data of air temperature, specific humidity, zonal and meridional components of the wind at 850 and 600hPa from numerical output generated by the Rossby Center regional climate model version four (RCA4) are used for computation of MPV and (MPVV) a?? at 700hPa. The statistical relationship between (MPVV) a?? and MPV against observed rainfall data from 22 synoptic meteorological stations using Pearson correlation coefficient indicate that (MPVV) a?? bears strong and statistically significant correlation coefficient to rainfall than MPV suggesting its potential use as predictor of annual cycles of rainfall over different regions in Tanzania.
机译:坦桑尼亚的经济在很大程度上取决于主要依靠雨水灌溉的农业部门。在本文中,我们计算了湿势涡度(MPV)并评估了其用于描述年降水量周期的有用性。我们还修改了对流涡度矢量((CVV)a ??),它被定义为绝对涡度和等效电位温度与湿势涡度矢量((MPVV)a ??)的梯度的叉积。该矢量计算为绝对涡度与湿空气熵势温度梯度的乘积。 (MPVV)的性能描述了坦桑尼亚不同地区的年降水量周期。根据罗斯比中心区域气候模型第4版(RCA4)产生的数值输出,使用了二十六(26)年(1976-2001)的每日温度,风速,纬向和子午分量,分别为850和600hPa。 MPV和(MPVV)的计算a ??在700hPa。之间的统计关系(MPVV)a ??利用皮尔逊相关系数和MPV对22个天气气象站观测到的降雨数据进行分析,结果表明(MPVV)a ??与MPV相比,与降雨的相关系数强且在统计上具有显着意义,表明其潜在用途可作为坦桑尼亚不同地区降雨年周期的预测指标。



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