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From wasteland to wonderland: The hypermedia(tiza)tion of urban regeneration in Leeds’ Holbeck Urban Village




In this paper, I examine Holbeck Urban Village (HUV), Leeds’ flagship urban regeneration project and a textbook case in approaches to planning and redevelopment via the popular notion of ‘urban village’. Based on an analysis of online planning and promotional media, I argue that the lived space of HUV is hypermediatized , as it is imagined and imaged for key lifestyle publics via top–down multimodal discourses. However, it is not only the social but also the more properly material dimensions of our cities that are increasingly mediatized. In my analysis, I note how specific ‘textures’ of envisioned lived space are mobilized in the communication of HUV to achieve distinction within major genres and formats of urban regeneration. I then posit that this is also a hypermediated approach to urban regeneration, as the imaginations and images that constitute the visual–material performances of the urban village are in turn productive of very specific and therefore also limited (embodied) subjectivities and (emplaced) communities. Overall, the key aim of this article is to draw attention to the increasing hypermedia(tiza)tion of the material and social dimensions of urban regeneration and, in doing so, also generate concepts for the development of a broader critical and theoretical framework for the study of major contemporary approaches to urban regeneration from a communication and media studies perspective.
机译:在本文中,我研究了霍尔贝克城市村(HUV),利兹的旗舰城市更新项目以及通过“城市村”这一流行概念进行规划和再开发的教科书案例。基于对在线计划和促销媒体的分析,我认为HUV的生活空间是超媒体化的,因为它是通过自上而下的多模式话语为主要生活方式的公众所想象和想象的。但是,越来越多的媒介不仅是我们城市的社会方面,也是更恰当的物质方面。在我的分析中,我注意到在HUV的交流中如何调动设想的居住空间的特定“纹理”,以在主要类型和城市再生形式中实现区分。然后我认为这也是城市更新的一种超媒介方法,因为构成城市村庄视觉材料表演的想象力和图像反过来又产生了非常具体的,因此也有限的(体现的)主观性和(安置的)社区。 。总体而言,本文的主要目的是引起人们对城市更新的物质和社会层面日益增加的超媒体化的关注,并在此过程中为发展更广泛的批判性和理论性框架产生概念。从传播和媒体研究的角度研究当代城市更新的主要方法。



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