首页> 外文期刊>Gynecology, obstetrics & reproductive medicine : >A New Technique For Treatment of Imperforate Hymen By Aortic Punch

A New Technique For Treatment of Imperforate Hymen By Aortic Punch




To present a case of imperforate hymen treated by aortic punch without damaging the structure of the?hymen. A 15-year-old girl was admitted to our clinic with history of pelvic pain for 3 months. On inspection?of external genitalia, a bulging bluish membrane was seen on retracting the labia without a patent?hymenal orifice. Suprapubic ultrasonographic examination demonstrated a large hematocolpos measuring?17x10 cm and hematometra measuring 3x4 cm. The hymen was perforated to 0.5 cm in diameter?by an aortic punch from the middle of the distended and imperforate hymenal membrane. Blood in the?vagina was drained using irrigation with a saline solution. Postoperative period was uneventful. The patient?was followed up for 6-months; the patient was asymptomatic and had regular normal menstrual cycles?and normal pelvic ultrasonography. Hymen protection is important in different ethnic groups and?countries as it is in our country, when treatment is planned, the sociocultural values of the society should be considered.
机译:提出了一种在不破坏处女膜结构的情况下用主动脉穿孔器处理过的处女膜不全的病例。一名15岁女孩因骨盆痛史入院3个月。在检查外生殖器时,在缩回阴唇时发现鼓胀的蓝膜,没有膜上的处女膜孔。耻骨上超声检查显示有一个较大的血球,尺寸为17x10 cm,血细胞计数为3x4 cm。从扩张的和无孔的处女膜中间,用主动脉穿孔器将处女膜的直径打孔到0.5厘米。阴道中的血液用生理盐水冲洗后引流。术后期间平稳。对患者进行了6个月的随访。患者无症状,月经周期正常,盆腔超声检查正常。在我国,处女膜保护在不同种族和国家都很重要,在计划治疗时,应考虑社会的社会文化价值。



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