首页> 外文期刊>Gynecology, obstetrics & reproductive medicine : >Treatment of Non - Complicated Lower Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy: Single Dose Fosfomycin Tromethamine Versus Multiple Dose Nitrofurantoin

Treatment of Non - Complicated Lower Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy: Single Dose Fosfomycin Tromethamine Versus Multiple Dose Nitrofurantoin




OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of single-dose fosfomycin tromethamine (FT) treatment in pregnant?women with uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection (UTI). STUDY DESIGN: In this study, 421 pregnant women with established, symptomatic, uncomplicated?lower UTI were randomly allocated to receive either a single dose of FT (Monurol?, Zambon Group?S.p.A, Milan-ITALY) (n=217) or a 7-day course of nitrofurantoin (n=204). The treatment was found to be?effective if urine culture was negative 15 days after therapy. RESULTS: Microbiological cure was achieved in 205 (94.5%) patients treated with FT and 164 (80.4%)?patients treated with nitrofurantoin (p0.05). Pathogen microorganisms were predominantly E.coli (199?in FT and 183 in NF group) followed by Klebsiella (18 in FT and 21 in NF group). CONCLUSION: The treatment of acut lower UTI in pregnant women is essential. FT is an effective, safe,?single dose treatment choice in the management of uncomplicated lower UTI in pregnant women.
机译:目的:评估单剂量磷霉素三甲胺(FT)治疗妊娠妇女并发下尿路感染(UTI)的疗效。研究设计:在这项研究中,随机分配了421例症状明确,无并发症,尿路感染较低的孕妇接受单剂量FT(Monurol?,Zambon Group?SpA,Milan-ITALY)(n = 217)或呋喃妥因的7天疗程(n = 204)。如果在治疗后15天尿培养阴性,则发现治疗有效。结果:使用FT治疗的205名患者(94.5%)和使用呋喃妥因治疗的164名患者(80.4%)实现了微生物治愈(p <0.05)。病原微生物主要是大肠杆菌(FT组为199?,NF组为183),其次是Klebsiella(FT组为18,NF组为21)。结论:对孕妇降低UTI的治疗至关重要。 FT是治疗孕妇单纯性下尿路感染的一种有效,安全,单剂量的治疗选择。



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