首页> 外文期刊>Gynecology, obstetrics & reproductive medicine : >Predictors of Total Gonadotropin Dose Required for Follicular Growth in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation with Intrauterin Insemination Cycles in Patients with Unexplained Infertility or Male Subfertility

Predictors of Total Gonadotropin Dose Required for Follicular Growth in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation with Intrauterin Insemination Cycles in Patients with Unexplained Infertility or Male Subfertility




OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the possible predictors of total gonadotropin dose?(TGD) required to achieve ovulation in patients with unexplained infertility or male subfertility. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective study on 230 patients (n:178 unexplained infertility, n:52 male subfertility)?scheduled for controlled ovarian stimulation (COH) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) was designed?to determine the association between basal follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone?(LH), estrodiol (E2) levels, antral follicle count (AFC), age and body mass index (BMI) and total gonadotropin?doses needed to achieve follicular growth. RESULT: Regression analysis revealed an association between basal FSH level, BMI and AFC with total?gonadotropin dose (P=0.001, P=0.002, P=0.045). BMI was positively correlated with TGD (r:0.400,?P=0.001). Mean BMI of patients who required a total dosage of 1500 IUs of gonadotropin was?29.7±4.8kg/ m2 where as it was 24.9±3.2kg/ m2 for patients who received 1500 IU to achieve follicle growth (P=0.001). CONCLUSION: Our study results imply that basal BMI is the essential parameter in determining the?total dose of gonadotropin used to achieve follicular growth.
机译:目的:本研究旨在确定无法解释的不育症或男性不育症患者实现排卵所需的总促性腺激素剂量?(TGD)的可能预测指标。研究设计:一项针对230例患者(n:178无法解释的不育,n:52男性不育)计划进行控制性卵巢刺激(COH)和子宫内人工授精(IUI)的前瞻性研究,旨在确定基础卵泡刺激素( FSH),促黄体生成素(LH),雌二醇(E2)水平,窦性卵泡计数(AFC),年龄和体重指数(BMI)以及促性腺激素总剂量以达到卵泡生长。结果:回归分析显示基础FSH水平,BMI和AFC与促性腺激素总剂量之间存在关联(P = 0.001,P = 0.002,P = 0.045)。 BMI与TGD呈正相关(r:0.400,ΔP= 0.001)。需要总剂量> 1500 IUs的促性腺激素患者的平均BMI为29.7±4.8kg / m2,而接受<1500 IU的卵泡生长患者的平均BMI为24.9±3.2kg / m2(P = 0.001)。结论:我们的研究结果表明,基础BMI是确定促性腺激素达到卵泡生长总剂量的基本参数。



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