首页> 外文期刊>Gynecology, obstetrics & reproductive medicine : >Birth Rates and Cesarean Indications at Sel?uk University During Five -Year Period

Birth Rates and Cesarean Indications at Sel?uk University During Five -Year Period




OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to evaluate the rates, indications and complications of cesarean?sections (CS) in our hospital during 5 years. STUDY DESIGN: Patients who gave birth between January 2004 and December 2008 in our clinic were?enrolled in this study and retrospectively analyzed. The CS rates, its complications, indications, and maternal?mortality and morbidity rates were studied. RESULTS: The total number of births in five years was 11121. Of these births, 4818 (43.32%) were vaginal?births and the remaining 6303 (56.67%) were cesarean deliveries. Previous cesarean deliveries?were the major indication with 2118 (33.6%) cases, fetal distress with 880 (13.96%) cases, elective cesarean?with 715 (11.34%) and cephalo-pelvic disproportion (CPD) with 622 (9.86%) cases. Eight cases?of maternal mortality were detected in CS group (12.69/10000). The morbidity rate was found to be 12%. CONCLUSIONS: The rates of cesarean deliveries are increasing day by day. The increased rates of?previous cesarean deliveries are a critical factor for the risks of recurrent surgeries and cost-effectiveness.?We concluded that to determine the real indications for primary cesarean deliveries and to be?more selective and careful are assumed to decrease the cesarean delivery rates.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是评估我院5年内剖宫产术(CS)的发生率,适应症和并发症。研究设计:我们对2004年1月至2008年12月在我们诊所分娩的患者进行了研究并进行了回顾性分析。研究了CS率,其并发症,适应症以及孕产妇死亡率和发病率。结果:5年内的总出生数为11121。其中,阴道分娩为4818(43.32%),其余为剖腹产的6303(56.67%)。以前的剖腹产是主要指征,占2118例(33.6%),胎儿窘迫880例(13.96%),择期剖宫产715例(11.34%),头盆骨比例失调(CPD)622例(9.86%) 。 CS组孕产妇死亡8例(12.69 / 10000)。发现发病率为12%。结论:剖宫产的比例正在逐日增加。先前剖宫产的增加率是再次手术风险和成本效益的关键因素。我们得出的结论是,确定原发性剖宫产的真正适应症并进行更仔细,谨慎的选择可减少剖宫产。交付率。



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